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06.13.22 – Back to Back Meetings are the Worst

I am not a fan of meetings in general, but what’s worse? Back-to-back meetings when I do not even have the time to do a bio break. Yeah, no thank you. But this company just likes to do back-to-back meetings. It gets annoying to be honest. Anyway, moving on.

Got to hang out with my love today after work. We caught up first since we did not hang out yesterday. We ended up just watching a movie after – The Lost City. We enjoyed it. Sure there were some cheesy parts, but I am not complaining – I love the cheese. Daniel Radcliffe did really well with his character, Fairfax. Of course, Brad Pitt was also in the movie – so gorgeous. The only thing that I wish is that they should not have dumbed down Channing Tatum’s character. I feel like it was not needed for the movie, to be honest. 

I am going to try and read tonight. I tried reading yesterday while my hun was hanging out with his friends, but I could not focus. Three sentences in and my attention wandered – reading was a no-go yesterday. So I will try tonight, see if my attention does not waver. 

06.11.22 – Lazy Weekends are My Jam

I mean, by the title alone, you can already tell how my day went. Granted, I was still productive and did what I planned to do which is good. But really the rest of the morning was spent in bed. With my dog. I also made some carne asada fries at home. I really need to a lot more cooking at home. It’s just cheaper.

Date night was good! I really enjoyed the two movies we watched.

First movie was Tropic Thunder. I have not seen this movie in years. My hun said he wanted to watch a bad comedy and this movie was suggested. But a certain word was used in that movie that I have not heard in years, and it made me uncomfortable just a little bit. The movie made me laugh. And honestly, that movie would not fly anymore. A lot of people do not understand satirical comedy nowadays and a lot more sensitivities now too.

Second movie was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Ah, we really enjoyed this movie. Tails is just so cute, Knuckles is just broody and naive, and Sonic is just full of energy! I love it. My hun nerded out a little bit – by that, I mean a lot – when something happened to Sonic, and when he saw the end credit scene. My love is just too adorable when he’s nerding out.

We also got to squeeze in an episode of House. And honestly, I’m getting tired of this Tritter arc. I really have issues with story arcs that is not needed! I just cannot. And yes, I debated of skipping the episodes, but at where we are at right now episode-wise, we will be missing a lot. My love said that Tritter arc has 16 more episodes to go. And I was like damn it! There is just no way we will be skipping 16 episodes! We will be missing a lot! I hate it. I hate it.

Tomorrow, we have a movie lined up – The Lost City with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. We watched the trailer earlier and it seemed interesting. I’m pretty sure we would enjoy that movie. But then again, a Sandra Bullock movie is always good.

06.10.22 – Can I Have Some Iced Coffee Please?

Same as yesterday, I do not feel like recounting my moments at work again today. It was the same old thing. Meetings and samples. And audits. So exactly – same BS.

Chris and I found a good Thai food restaurant close to where we work. And it was some good food. We wanted to try that place for a while now but for some reason when we try to go there it’s always closed. So when we saw that it was today for lunch, we grabbed the chance. And it was worth it.

I am drinking coffee right now. I am also doing laundry. I have every plan to read tonight and make a dent on A Dirty Job. I would have loved to hang out with my hun but he is working today – a double shift I might add. So tonight is me time. And I just want to relax and do some chores so I would not have to do a lot of chores over the weekend. Just cooking and the regular washing of the dishes. 

I am also having some romcoms play in the background. Cause you know, why not?

Tomorrow’s plan? Hang out with my love. We are planning on playing some video games – maybe some It Takes Two or some Stardew Valley. Maybe watch some House episodes and some anime. We’ll see. But definitely playing some video games.

06.09.22 – Happy Thursday…This Week Felt so Long For Some Reason

I won’t bore you with the mundane BS that happened at work. It was really nothing exciting. I did however manage to read a few pages of A Dirty Job at work during my lunch break. And you know what, I find the book interesting. I am only in chapter four but the pages I read were dripping with dark humor. And I love it.

I’m glad this work week is almost over. I’ve been pretty done with this week early on. Well, I’m always done with any work week before it even starts so we can just leave it at that.

I’m glad I get to hang out with my love tonight. We did not get to spend time together yesterday – an emergency on his end. And he is working a double shift tomorrow. Not going to lie, I was a bit worried earlier when he said he would be playing some video games with his friends. I got a little scared that he would tell me that he will have boys’ night instead. That sounds horrible, I know. And I am not the type to stop him from hanging out with his friends either, I just miss him is all.

We got to watch Monsters, Inc. It was a rewatch for both of us. But we got to enjoy the movie together this time. And we both got an allergy attack when Sulli brought Boo back to her room. Him more than me though. 

We also watched an episode of House. And it was torture every single time that that policeman was on screen. And yes, I took my headphones off and I did not look at the screen. Yeah, can you tell I do not like that storyline? I said that I get annoyed with unnecessary storylines. Doesn’t help that I can’t stand his voice, and the way he always chews a freaking gum. Yeah no. Huge pass. I let my hun summarize what he says, although I really don’t care.

We also watched an episode of Rosario + Vampire. And my hun enjoys guessing what monster the villain is on the episode. And he was right most of the time. What a nerd. I love it. 

06.08.22 – Well, I am Lazy. That is All There is to It.

I missed a post. Yes – I missed last night. It’s okay. I’m not going to sweat it. I was just having a rough day yesterday, with the fiasco of the lab being shut down for about two hours because of exhaust fumes from an idle truck getting into the building. One of the reasons I hate the location of the lab I work at. I mean seriously. On top of how unsafe this building is located, and then this…Yeah. I was actually pretty disappointed that management decided to renew the lease. I mean seriously? After everything that happened in the past year? Yeah. Sure.

Today was okay. It’s a meh day again for me. I was getting annoyed that I was being kept away from my lunch because of this and that…Yeah…not fun. I was getting hangry and was about to snap at people around me, and at people who kept on adding meetings to my schedule at the last minute. I would not want to have been around me during that time.

I am now at home, cooking some chicken adobo. I’m getting hungry now too. It should be done in a few minutes. Not planning on anything tonight but just read Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I started a paragraph last night before I passed out. Yeah – I have been passing out lately and I do not like it. I wanted to stay up damn it. But then understandable. I had a headache last night and my chest was a bit tight – I think it was because of being exposed to exhaust fumes at work yesterday.

I am craving for fried chicken…That is nothing new, when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed I tend to crave my comfort food. Not that I actually go out of my way to buy some. But I’m just craving for it. Maybe I should get some chicken thighs to fry this weekend…Maybe. I am not sure yet. 

06.06.22 – Today is a Meh Day.

I will not rehash my day at work. Nothing really exciting happened there. Same shit different day. It’s Monday. How good my day could really be?

Anyway, I have been itching to watch MTV Siesta Key. But I don’t have cable TV and it seems like this show is not available on any of the streaming platforms I have. The show is available on Paramount+ unfortunately. So when my hun told me that apparently he has Paramount+ and we can watch Invader Zim, I was so excited because I CAN WATCH THE SHOW!

So we ended up watching three episodes of Invader Zim and I already have a favorite character – Gir! He is so adorable!!! So cute!!! And when he wears his disguise…OMG! My heart. The show is interesting. I liked how Zim was sent to a planet they don’t know (Earth) to die. And I would like to see how he plans to invade Earth – since that was his directive. 

We also watched an episode of KenIchi. Personally, I’m enjoying it. I really like a person’s journey to reach a goal – in Kenchan’s story, his journey to be strong. 

I am planning to read tonight. I was not able to read last night…I passed out as usual. So tonight, I will read before sleeping.