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06.27.22 – My Brain Melted

I feel so tired right now. I think I started yawning at around 8 PM. My hun suggested watching Futurama tonight. I am enjoying it, for sure. But I think the show relaxes me. Like how Bob’s Burgers relaxes me.

There really was nothing exciting that happened today. I worked from home on probably the hottest day of the year. I have no AC in the apartment. I had the blinds closed, the lights off, and I had the fan on me. I had Bob’s Burgers playing in the background the whole time. It was too hot to really get much work done. I did work though just not as engaged.

I was planning on reading tonight but we shall see. I can’t stop yawning right now. Tomorrow is another day of working from home. But at least it was forecasted to not be as hot so I’ll take it. Wow, I guess it’s a super short post. 

06.26.22 – The Heat Made Me Lazy

So today was hotter than yesterday. I had to drive to the office this morning to get my work laptop since I am working from home again for a few days. Unplanned. And the drive was…annoyingly warm. It only got hotter as the day went on. I was too lazy to move to be honest. But I had to throw away the trash, and wash dishes. So what happened after that? I took a cold shower! And then proceeded to turn off all the lights in the apartment. And had the fan going and focused on just me. And yeah, I had to make sure that I did minimal movements. Tomorrow will be hotter…I am not looking forward to it.

My hun and I were able to hang out for a bit. With his mom’s recommendation, I suggested we watch the movie Jersey Girl. I have heard of this movie before. I never watched it but I was under the impression that this was a romance movie. It was so not. Sure there was an underlying romance, but that was not the main focus of this movie. The movie was really about a dad and his daughter. Their relationship and how he needed to choose between a dad or getting his old life back. It was pretty good I think. My hun rated it 6 or 7. 

After that, we played a little bit of Stardew Valley. It was fun while it lasted. My hun was feeling meh. So we just ended early. It was fine. I mean I had been known to cancel when I’m feeling so off. Like what I’ve been telling him, I am happy just to hang out with even just for a bit. 

I ended up playing a game called Littlewood for a bit. It was interesting. It still has not caught my attention yet. But I’m pretty sure once I understand what the heck I need to do in that game, I would be able to enjoy that as well.

I am planning to read Lamb after posting this one. I have not read the whole weekend. I’m blaming the weather. Because I need to blame something for my laziness. A lot of reading really happens when I’m in bed so I’m not surprised that I am waiting until it’s nighttime until I pick up a book.

06.25.22 – Stardew Valley, Oh How I Missed You

So, I did not post yesterday – obviously. Very bad headache. By the time I got home from work, I just went to bed and slept. There was only one thing that happened yesterday, to be honest. It was all over the news. Let’s just say that I am saddened and disappointed about what happened. I felt like it was a huge step back for women’s rights. That’s all I’m going to say about it. I do not want this post to get all political. My love already heard my opinions and where I stand on this topic. And honestly, that is enough for me.

Today was hot. I do not like it. It was too hot for my liking. I ran away from this when I left SoCal. So I am definitely not a happy camper today about the weather. And it will only get hotter. At least I know that Monday will be around 90F. Not looking forward to it.

I did errands early today just to beat the heat. And even then, it was already warm. I did like going to the grocery store as they opened just because the crowd was pretty much nonexistent. I appreciated that a lot. I was able to get a carwash. And even a strawberry-banana smoothie. Thank goodness that the smoothie place opens early. Despite the heat though, today was pretty relaxing. I journaled while Daria was playing in the background. Daria is currently playing in the background while I type this. 

My hun and I were able to hang out today. Thank goodness. The last time we actually spent time together was Wednesday. Yeah. I do not like it when we go this long without spending time together even for just a couple of hours. We watched an episode of Bob’s Burgers. But we decided that today was game night. We ended up playing Stardew Valley. It has been so long since we played this game. And I forgot how much I enjoyed it. My hun kept on teasing me about how much I suck at fishing. I mean, he is definitely better at it but I do not think I am that much of a potato at it.

Tomorrow, I just need to throw the trash, and maybe cook. But that’s about it. I do not have anything planned really. So hopefully, my hun and I get to spend more time together. Despite how often we try to hang out, we do message a lot and talk on the phone, I do miss him a lot. Sometimes, I just feel the distance between a lot.

06.23.22 – Apparently, I am Not a Fan of Supernatural Thrillers

I missed a post last night, yeah – I decided to hang out with my love longer. We decided to watch Bird Box yesterday. I remember this movie being so overhyped when it came out. It was a solid movie. A good thriller. I was at the edge of my seat pretty much the whole movie – so it definitely did its job. Did I like it? It was fine. 

My hun decided that I am not a fan of thrillers. He knows supernatural horror is a no-go for me. But he concluded that supernatural thrillers fall in that category either. I am not going to say that I would never watch supernatural thrillers, I think I just need to be with someone watching it. Sure, we were watching it via discord together…But it’s not really the same, is it?

I think my main issue with this movie is the pacing. It was so slow – or at least I think it was slow. Mallory’s character development was pretty good I think. But then again, being in that situation for seven years, if you don’t get any character development then what the heck. Another issue I have is the fact that I have no idea what the heck is happening and why it is happening. At least a lot of the horror movies or thrillers you know why. There is a solid thing that scares you. For this movie, there was just nothing. It was never shown. And it’s probably just a me thing, but I like an explanation for something. It cannot just be oh you have to be blindfolded or you’ll die. It will never be enough for me.

So…would I ever pick up Bird Box and read it? I have not decided yet. I was never drawn to this genre personally but I sure would like to try. Would it even be worth reading now that I say the movie? That is the question, right? What’s the point since for the most part I already knew what happens. I really do not know. I am still marinating the idea.

I finished reading A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. To say that I enjoyed the story was a huge understatement! It was morbidly funny. For my first Christopher Moore book, I think this one was a good recommendation. I am thinking of picking up Lamb from him. I already have it next to me. I will start this tonight I think. 

I also found Daria in Paramount+. So guess what is playing in the background right now? Yeah. I was so disappointed when this got taken out of Hulu. Then the other day, I realized that MTV is in Paramount+. So I decided to check. And imagine my excitement when I saw it there. YES! 

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I’ve been so over this work week since Monday. And not just me. I think everyone in the lab is ready for a good weekend. I heard that it will be the first heatwave for us here. We shall see. 

06.21.22 – I Have a New Ship

So, I finished Beastars Season 2…It was so good. SO GOOD. And yes, I am a Legoshi-Rouis shipper. Why? They make more sense! Two seasons in and I still haven’t gotten a story arc for Haru. I mean, sure, she was the bullied isolated cute character. But that’s about it. I need to know more about her, I mean she is the supposed love interest after all. But the connection between Legoshi and Rouis…Oh boy, that one is whooooo! I cannot even describe it. 

I am almost done with A Dirty Job and planning on finishing it tonight. Well, I am hoping to finish it tonight. We’ll see. I feel like if my head hits the pillow I’ll just pass out. I do have a small headache right now, I already took painkillers, so we shall see.

I did not get to hang out with my hun tonight. He is currently doing a double. Not sure if we will be able to do so tomorrow. I guess it will depend on him wanting to have a boys’ night. Or me having a bad day. We’ll see.

06.20.22 – He Indulged Me with a Rom-Com

I finally got to hang out with my hun today! We haven’t been able to sit and hang out since Wednesday last week! So we watched a movie, She’s Out of My League. And we both enjoyed it! My hun says it was a good movie. And I agree with him. Sure it was a typical rom-com but I really like the fact that you don’t have the typical pretty boy as the leading man. I am so tired of it. This was a really solid movie, the characters were relatable, and the insecurities were real. We did not like Kirk’s family. For the whole movie or the whole screen time they were in, it was just horrible. 

After watching the movie, we just talked since we haven’t really talked lately. We just ended up catching up. I talked to him about Beastars. And he talked to me about the games he played with his friends. I talked to him about the movies that I had playing in the background while I was reading. And then we watched some trailers of movies that we are interested in watching – Bird Box, Ava, Lucy, Limitless, Death Race. 

Planning on reading after I post this – maybe 50 more pages. We’ll see. I need to start looking for my next read after this. I’m thinking of nonfiction – Born a Crime or Crying in H Mart or Know My Name. I have a few options, but I also keep looking at Darling Girl and The Verifiers. At least I have options.