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07.05.22 – I Need It to be Friday Already

Last night was rough. Fireworks. I was never a fan of fireworks even more now since I have pets. The dogs get scared when they hear fireworks. And that is what I was expecting to happen last night. I was ready to comfort Paco, our over-anxious dog. I was expecting a lot of shaking. But that did not happen. Our Paco turned into a protector. When the fireworks started, he became alert. Looking everywhere, trying to figure out where the loud sound was coming from. He decided that he would be lying on top of me. Not moving but very alert. Then he proceeded to run to the bedroom to check on my friend, his other mom. He stayed there for a bit and then came back running and again lay on top of me. Alert. That went on for hours. From my calculation until almost midnight. 

To say that I didn’t really get much sleep was a huge understatement. I pretty much had interrupted sleep. And woke up fully at 5 this morning. Too early for my liking. I was dragging the whole day at work. It was fine. Nothing new on that end. I didn’t end up going to my early morning meeting. Because I just didn’t feel like it. Horrible, I know. But I was just so tired of that meeting to be honest.

I just finished watching the documentary Keep Sweet Pray and Obey. This documentary was definitely about the rise and fall of Warren Jeffs. I am not one to judge religion. We are entitled to our own beliefs. However, I am against treating girls, women, females as second class citizens. And the more I get invested in this documentary, the more I feel sick to stomach. I was nauseated. What these females had gone through, I cannot. I just cannot fathom the fact that this exist. I commend the females, people who were actually brave enough to leave the compounds and start fresh. 

I am now jumping to the documentary about Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich. Because apparently I am not annoyed enough right now. I am however planning on reading more of Lamb tonight. I just want to see an episode of this documentary then I am most likely moving on to reading. I do need to give my brain a break from these horrible people you know.

I didn’t get to hang out with my love tonight. He was hanging out with his friends and playing video games. He was doing his own thing so I decided to do my own thing as well. And that was chores, cooking dinner, and just watching documentaries that would definitely annoy me apparently.

07.04.22 – Can the Next Morning be Postponed?

Well, I just want to get this one out of the way – Happy July 4th to all of those who are celebrating the US Independence day. I do not. But not because I have anything against it. Not at all. But because I do not generally celebrate anything. Holidays or otherwise. But since there was a sale for ribs at my local grocery store, that is what I will be having for dinner. Barbeque ribs with garlic potatoes. 

I got to spend some time with my love today. We played some Stardew Valley again today. It was fun and relaxing. We also end up watching a couple of episodes of Futurama. That show is also enjoyable. But then again, I think the reason why enjoy them so much is that I share them with him. 

I do have a headache now. My hun says that it was because we played video games for way too long. And I told him that is not a thing. He insists. 

I did read last night. I loved it. Sure I stayed up way too late but that was the plan anyway. I would read all the time, all day if I can. I wish I could is what I’m saying. I often times think that I am in the wrong business. But would I really love it still if I do it for a job? Who knows right?

I am finally watching Sleepless in Seattle. What do I think of think as of right now? I just realized that they used the song Over the Rainbow in both Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail. I often thought that the song was out of place in You’ve Got Mail. It worked so much better in Sleepless in Seattle. And I really appreciate that this movie was actually filmed in Seattle. 

Am I excited to be back to work tomorrow? No. I like staying home. I often say that if there is a job where I get paid to sleep, I would take it. I think I’m just lazy. I’m always tempted to not go to sleep so that morning does not come so quickly.

07.03.22 – The Bed Calls My Name…Again

Today was a lazy day. But then again that does not really say much. I find myself lazy all the time so…Yeah. For the most part, I did what I planned to do. I changed my bedsheets, washed the used bedsheets, fried some honey garlic chicken, and spent time with my love. 

I did not end up reading last night but I did end up reading today, which was good. Planning on staying up late to read tonight. If I end up not sleeping so be it. But I really want to read tonight. So I will stay away from my bed and read while sitting down. 

My hun and I were able to hang out for about six hours today. I do not think we have been able to do that lately. We played Stardew Valley for quite a bit. I am not a big video game fan, to be honest. I mean there are games that I enjoyed playing – Sims, Diablo iii. But video games were never my thing. For someone who likes solitary hobbies, I never got into it. My hun, however, enjoys video games a lot and I am glad that I get to enjoy it with him from time to time.

We also watched the movie Death Race. I think it was a solid movie. I enjoyed it. It was intense at times, I did have to look away at certain scenes. I used to be okay with those scenes, I just cannot anymore. But I got the ending that I wanted and I also got the team-up that I wanted, granted it did not start that way. Like I said, solid movie.

We got to watch an episode of Rosario + Vampire. We have not been watching any animes lately. And there are some animes that we started that we need to actually continue watching. Not just animes, but we also have The Dropout on hold as well. And House, which I still have no interest in continuing. 

I am glad that I have no work tomorrow. Because as I stated earlier, I am planning on staying up late tonight. Tomorrow, my friend is planning on cooking some barbeque ribs, and I will be cooking some garlic potatoes. I say that would be our 4th of July food. 

07.03.22 – The Bed was Calling My Name All Day

No post for two days? Yeah. I’ve been feeling sick. I am still not good right now either. I have been super tired for the last couple of nights. Like actually falling on the bed and passing out exhausted. No idea what’s happening really. My throat started hurting yesterday. So I just increased my vitamin C intake because I haven’t really been getting much of that. 

I haven’t been able to read either. I was just having a really rough few days. I haven’t been able to hang out with my hun lately. He was also having a rough few days too. I’ve been watching Daria and watching movies. Something that I really don’t have to pay attention to. Just so drone out the silence. 

My hun and I did hang out today for a few hours. We were able to squeeze in a couple of movies before we called it quits for date night. We watched Sing 2, which enjoyed a lot. I mean I was not surprised, to be honest. We enjoyed the first one. And yes, I did tear up a little bit in the last scene of the musical in the movie. The second movie we watched was Because I Said So. A Mother-daughter movie with underlying romance. I enjoyed it. Not sure how my hun felt about that movie. I made him watch it. He said he has no preference, so I picked it.

I am still currently doing laundry right now. I had a late start today. I was just in bed the whole morning. Normally I would care a lot and get annoyed at myself if I started chores too late on a weekend. But not today. I just wanted to be in bed, watch movies, and not do anything. While laundry is spinning, I am planning on reading Lamb. Maybe a couple of chapters or more. We’ll see. I have no idea how long I can focus at the moment. Not the book’s fault. Just myself being super unfocused lately.

06.29.22 – Tonight is a Lazy Night

I cooked tonight without following a recipe. It was nerve-wracking. It was simple. Just ground wagyu beef, with minced garlic, peas, and carrots, cooked in sesame oil and dark soy sauce. It turned out god surprisingly. I ate it with freshly cooked white jasmine rice. Yes, I do now have a happy stomach and experiencing some major food coma. 

I have been lying in bed for the past couple of hours doing nothing. I read a page from Lamb. And I have Daria playing in the background. Paco is sleeping right here next to me. So he is making me sleepy.

I’m not sure if I’m getting sick. My throat is hurting. Not too bad though. I should really make it a habit to take multivitamins and vitamin c every day. I’m so bad at that. The bottles are just so big that I can’t put them in my medicine bag. I should maybe get a bigger medicine bag. Or find a bigger bag. I am pretty sure that I have one lying around.

I’m very sleepy right now. I should get ready for bed. I have a feeling that I will pass out soon. I feel so lazy. I definitely did not feel productive today at work. No surprise there. I tend to not be able to do much when I am onsite. Distractions are inevitable there since there are so many people around.   

06.28.22 – My Mind is Bleh Right Now

So they finally installed the new fire alarm system in my apartment. It took about 1 hour. That meant, I had to put my doggos out in the balcony so that the guys can work in peace. And so the dogs were also not as agitated by the strangers in the house and the loud noise. My 17-year-old Phoebe was a trooper and slept. While my 6-year-old Paco was pretty much mad at me for leaving him outside on the balcony.

Phoebe being adorable.
Paco mad-dogging me the whole time.

Work was fine. I had to miss a couple of meetings because of the noise. But that was fine. I need a break from all the meetings anyway. I do not feel ashamed in admitting that sometimes I do feel oversocialized from all these of these Teams meetings I have to be on.

Right now, I have You’ve Got Mail playing in the background. Why? Because I still can. I do this a lot for movies that I enjoyed. I tend to overplay them while they are available on streaming services. 

I plan on reading as well since I have not read in a few days. Shame on me. I still do not know how booktubers do it. I love reading do not get me wrong, but to read and read and read…I admire them to be honest. I feel like I just want to read books but for the most part, either I find myself too tired or I just do not want to pick up a book. I know it might sound like I am making excuses but to be honest, sometimes I just feel like not doing anything.

I’m glad this week is partly over already. Tomorrow is Wednesday already. I mean I wish it was already Friday but that cannot happen. I think my hun is working double tomorrow. We have no plans today, his original plan was to hang out with a friend and play some video games but I think he just ended up sleeping. He is feeling a bit meh today. I am not sure if we will get to hang out on Thursday but we just tend to do it when we are able to.