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07.12.22 – My Brain is Melting

My brain melted today. Actually, it’s still melting. Too hot right now. With the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will keep complaining about the heat. I ran away from this and it followed me here. So I am not happy. And the fact that this apartment does not have an AC, yeah, I’m suffering right now. 

Work was work. Same shit different day. The only highlight was the fact that one of my coworkers stopped by the office in the afternoon with her dog! Yes, despite the heat, all of us onsite became alive! We were all playing with the doggo! 

Of course, I became really irritable as the day continued. I just wanted to be in front of the fan and not move. But I neeed to take care of the doggos and had to make dinner. I was not a happy camper. The apartment was too hot to move.

Right now, as I sit on my bed in front of the fan, Paco is staring at me because he wants to play catch. Crazy dog. It’s too hot to play. I just want to make as minimal of movements as I can. I hate the heat. 

I am on a reading slump. I am deciding if I should pick up a book that is short and easy to read right now just to finish something. And again, this is not Lamb’s fault. That book is amazing, I just need something to finish quickly. 

I have Sleepless in Seattle playing in the background right now. I am not sure if I want to play You’ve Got Mail again. Maybe. Not sure yet.

07.11.22 – I Need This Week to be Over Already

I feel exhausted. Not sure why, but I just am. I think I might just be mentally drained. Work has been very draining. There was some drama going on at work so that was also taking some of my energy. The lab supervisor and I are also planning on moving around some stuff at work to make room for the sample accessioning team since right now my team is just all over the place.

Not much happened today, to be honest. My hun had boy’s night and I just cooked spaghetti for dinner. And after dinner, I decided to clean my fountain pen. Finally. I forgot how I love the weight of that pen when filled with ink. I would use it more often but fountain pen-friendly notebooks are a bit expensive. I tried using it in my journal today, it didn’t glide on the paper as smoothly as I wanted but at least the paper held up and there was no feathering. But I also think that this is the wrong type of paper for a fountain pen since my journal is a sketchbook technically. 

Speaking of journaling, I really need to start plopping colors on my pages again. I’ve been utilizing stickers right now but I miss having colors on the page. I should really start using the watercolor paints that my hun got me. And I also really need to get into drawing again. I have my sketchbook with me every day, along with my pen case. I just need to get on it while I’m at work – bored.

Reading has been a struggle lately. I find myself losing focus after a few pages. It’s annoying me. It is not the book’s fault either. The few pages I read make me laugh. I enjoy those few pages. But then I lose interest. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just making excuses. Maybe I just don’t have discipline. I just need to sit and read. Who knows, I’m just not one to force myself to read.

07.10.22 – I Love Steaks

So, it’s Sunday once again. And that means time to be at work again tomorrow. Just thinking about it drains the energy out of me already. I know I’m being dramatic. And I really should be thankful that I have a job and all. But I think I am allowed to not like my job once in a while. Well, more like most of the time. And regardless of how much I complain about how tired I am of going to work, the job is actually not bad. I think I am just ready to move on already. I am just waiting on some projects to be done and over with before I can actually move on with my life. 

Anyway, my hun and I hung out today. We played Stardew Valley the whole time. I luckily found a trident from a treasure chest while fishing and I gave it to him. He was having fun with it in the dungeons. I was so happy. I never get to give him something cool in the game so I was so excited when I gave it to him!

I had a steak dinner with a friend tonight. Steaks were on sale again at our local grocery store. We served it asparagus. On top of that, I had mine with rice and kimchi. And oh my goodness, the flavors meshed so well together. I was so full afterward. We also watched White Chicks. Yes, the movie is now back in HBO Max. It was a very pleasant dinner with Paco kept on wanting to play.

I am now watching The Parent Trap, the one with Lindsay Lohan. I was trying to find something to watch on Disney+ but I couldn’t decide so I just picked one of my go-to’s. Of course, after this movie, I need to get ready for bed and just relax until I fall asleep. What would be on the TV then? Most likely Bob’s Burgers. Unless I want to watch another movie, then I think it would be You’ve Got Mail or Sleepless in Seattle. 

I haven’t really been able to read since yesterday. I just read a few pages too. Shame on me. I can’t seem to focus longer than maybe two pages lately. Not good. But at least I am able to read a few pages here and there.

07.09.22 – The Booster Kicked My Butt!

So, remember when I said that I felt like the booster was kicking my butt? It did! That Thursday night, I was feeling tired but I started feeling the beginnings of fever once I was going to bed. And guess what happened throughout the night? Yeah, I got a fever. I still went to work Friday morning though. The team was understaffed, and I cannot afford not to be onsite. Regardless, I went to work with a low-grade fever. Trust me, if it were higher than 100F, I would stay home and would not be able to work. But since it was a low-grade fever in the morning, I just went onsite and decided to take it easy. 

For the most part, I was fine all day Friday at work. My head was a bit fuzzy but the fever went away. Granted that my body temp was still hotter than my normal temperature, I still survived without any incidents. When I got home was a different story though. Why? The fever went back. I practically passed out when I got home. 

I woke up this morning fine. Like the past two nights didn’t happen. I went to the store – did some grocery shopping. I went to USPS and picked up my Book of the Month package. I got gas. I went to Costco to get my bottle of Vitamin D and Zertec, and also found myself a new pair of work pants. I went to Autozone and finally got rid of my used car battery sitting in the trunk of my car. I also got windshield wiper fluid. Then the last stop was Mudbay to get a food tray for Phoebe. I was pretty much productive. I did all the errands. 

I got to hangout with my hun today. We watched some episodes of Soul Eater. I forgot how packed each episode was in that anime. I love the artwork, fighting sequences are good too. We also watched a movie! Cloudy with a Side of Meatballs. I did watch this movie before. And honestly, the only things that I remember were the giant meatballs and the “baby”. And I’m glad I watched it, and actually enjoyed it with my love.

We did end date night pretty early. But that is fine. I’m still doing laundry. I guess I could read tonight too. I’ve been slacking off in that department. 

07.07.22 – I Feel Like the Booster Shot is Kicking My Butt

Today was meh for me. The only highlight I had today was the fact that I finally got my booster shot! Yeah, I definitely procrastinated on that one. Not that I meant to, I just kind of forgot about it. And now my left arm is sore. I do feel a bit of tiredness, but otherwise, I feel fine. I don’t even know if the booster was to blame for the tiredness. I might just be really tired.

Today was still pretty busy at work. My team is still understaffed. And tomorrow will be a little hectic for me since my morning has been blocked with meetings. So definitely not looking forward to that one.

I didn’t get to read last night. No surprise there. I just felt so exhausted that I just want to sleep. Am I going to read tonight? I mean I can. The question really is, will I even try? I haven’t really been reading on weeknights and that is a shame on me. And weekends tend to be busier. I know, it sounds like I am making an excuse. And you know what, I feel like I am. I just don’t know how other people can squeeze in reading. I feel like I have so much going on and I don’t have any free time. And when I feel like I do, I’m just tired.

I didn’t get to hang out with my hun tonight. We had a bit of miscommunication there. Not going to go into details on what happened. I just feel bad. I didn’t want him to think that I already have a backup plan if we didn’t end up hanging out tonight. I just didn’t want to eat dinner alone tonight so when he took a raincheck, I invited my friend right away to have dinner with me and to watch some Beastars.

Speaking of Beastars, I already watched this subbed. But now, my friend and I are watching it dubbed. I am not one to prefer the dub version of an anime. I don’t mind it, especially if I am watching anime with someone. It’s just easier to interact with someone when you are not reading the subtitles. But I will always prefer the subbed version. But this dubbed version of Beastars was just a chef’s kiss.

07.06.22 – I Need to Read

I really have nothing to say…All I know is that I feel tired. And I want to curl in bed. But that will not happen since I still have some stuff I need to finish doing. Like, you know, finish cooking? I am making chicken curry and it’s currently simmering, so I can’t pass out in bed until that is done.

Work was sort of busy. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad tomorrow sample number-wise. We had a lot today and with more than half the team out, the push to finish samples was a bit slower. The only lucky thing was the fact that I didn’t really have any meetings today. The one meeting I had was rescheduled for Friday. So my Friday calendar was a bit full of meetings.

I finished the Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich documentary. And I was right, I got annoyed and very much triggered by what happened to these women – girls at the time of the incidents. Not to mention the special treatments this guy got when he was in “jail”. And yes, quotation marks are needed. Because he was never really in jail now was he? 

I wasn’t able to read last night. Not sure what really happened, but I passed out. I mean that is nothing new really. But I wasn’t expecting to pass out. I remember having my phone on because I was watching YT videos and then I woke up this morning with my phone drained of battery. I’m pretty you can guess that I overslept and had to rush getting ready this morning since my alarms didn’t go off. 

I was having an allergic reaction before I left work this afternoon. My left arm and left hand were itchy. My back, my neck, and my stomach were itchy as well. I had to take two Zertecs. Not sure what triggered it but it did and it was horrible.

I am currently watching You’ve Got Mail. Surprise! Well, technically it was already on my browser and I just decided to play it. This movie just makes me feel better! Don’t judge me for how much I overplay this movie.

I am hoping I get to read tonight. I am torn between wanting to stay up to read and wanting to not do anything. That is the dilemma as of right now.