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07.31.22 – I am Done with this Me Melting Business

The heatwave made me feel that typing is such a chore. Like tying actually involves whole body movements. yeah, not good. For the past week, I felt like I was melting. Even now, with the fan on me, I still feel like I’m in a sauna. You think I would be used to this since I grew up in the Philippines. But guess what, living with all that heat was useless to me. 

I did finish reading a novel yesterday, I read the whole morning. Why? Because I did not want to leave the bed because of the heat. But at least something good came out of my heat-induced laziness. Granted the book that I read is one of those romances that I only read in the comfort of my own home. But it was still reading and I still put in the time to read it. And since I have not been able to read lately, I am very happy that I was able to stay still to actually read.

I was able to hang out with my love yesterday afternoon. We tried watching the movie, Zookeeper. I gave it a chance and then I told him, I was done with the movie. Do not get me wrong, I appreciate a good cringe movie, but that one was on a whole another level. And I just could not.

We finished the first season of Attack on Titan. What do I think about it? The anime was really good. Really solid world. Character developments for Jean and Armin were superb. I have a major crush on Levi. And I still do not like Eren and I don’t care for Mikasa. Eren was annoying and Mikasa was bland. We will be taking a break from it for a bit since we did binge the season. 

Today is still pretty hot but I needed to cook so I mustered up the courage to go to the kitchen and made rice and cooked sinigang. It was not fun. Since now the apartment is very hot. And the fan is definitely not helping. 

07.27.22 – And the Brain Melting Temperature Continues…

With the risk of being redundant, I would like to say that it is super hot again today. I just got out of the shower and I’m already sweating. Not a good feeling. Anyway, to say that we were melting again at work is a huge understatement.

Anyway, I didn’t get to pack lunch today. It was too hot to cook last night and was too hot to cook this morning. This week is really just a no-no. The kitchen is off-limits for a few days. I cannot even think of standing in front of the stove right now. Or the toaster oven. I cannot.

I just want to be in bed and do nothing. Well, I am technically doing that right now. And so is my dog, Paco. Planning on reading some more tonight. I have only a couple of lights on in the apartment right now. Just my desk lamp and the genkan light. Other than that, everything is off. Blinds are closed already. Anything to make this apartment’s temperature bearable.

Planning on reading tonight. I was able to read last night too. So that was good. Minimal movement activities right now. I feel like typing is an excessive movement – right now. Too much effort. I know I sound like I’m being dramatic. And you know what, maybe I am! But right now, I really don’t care. 

I also complain about this heat to my love. And I really do not have the right since he lives in a State where it’s pretty much summer the whole year. But I keep on telling, I don’t care. I’m going to complain and he will just have to deal. Yeah, he is a trooper. 

No hang out with him today. Which is sad. But he is working double today. Not sure what his schedule tomorrow is like, but hopefully we get to hang out. But I guess that also depends on how we are feeling tomorrow. We’ll see. 

07.26.22 – This Heat is Discouraging

I don’t think I need to say that today was hot as well. When I say that all of us in the office felt like we were melting, it means that it was really how it felt like being in there. I was thankful that the lab was actually climate controlled so it was just cool all day. But the extreme differences in temperature when we leave the lab to enter the office were not good. I mean I was having a headache for a bit. At least I didn’t have to be in any meetings today so I was able to just stay in the lab for the most part.

I was able to spend time with my love tonight. We just watched a movie but that is okay. We watched Mission: Impossible, the first one. I honestly don’t remember if I watched it before. I feel like I did, but I really don’t remember anything that happened in the movie. Maybe I started with Mission: Impossible 2. I don’t know. My hun said that it was a heist movie and most likely the reason why I really like it. Who knows. My thoughts on the first movie was good. I enjoyed it a lot. Definitely not as much Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. I’m trying to look for the third movie but none of my streaming services have it at the moment without an additional subscription. No good. 

Planning on reading a little bit tonight before I decide to go to bed. Normally, my bed would be calling my name at this hour. Or maybe it is calling my name, I just didn’t want to hear it. The thought of lying in bed is not really enticing at the moment because of this heat. I already took a cold shower too. I wiped down the dogs using a cold washcloth. Not sure if that helped them at all. But this heat is just so much.

07.25.22 – Brain is Melting

Today was too hot. We apparently have another heat wave. Not good. Since I already feel that my brain is melting all day today, I am not looking forward to the rest of the week. Anyway, since the office is in an ancient building, whatever the cause is, the AC is not really good in the office. So we can definitely feel the heat.

I went to grab an early dinner out – sushi. It was good. It was about 3 blocks maybe from work, never been there. The ambiance was really nice. But then again, I’m not surprised, I always enjoy the ambiance of a Japanese restaurant. It just seems so relaxing. To say that we didn’t want to leave the restaurant because of the AC was a huge understatement.

The drive home was nice. Since it was later than the normal time I leave work, there was no traffic anymore.

I am currently watching Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. This is the last movie I watched from the series so, as it stands right now, this is my favorite. So when this is on any of the streaming platforms I just watch it over and over.

07.24.22 – Surfing the Crimson Wave

Well, I did a disappearance for a bit. Why? Womanly issues. Let’s just say that I was having a rough few days – still having a rough day, to be honest. Let’s say that my best friends right now are the heating pad and Midol.

I had a mini breakdown yesterday in front of my hun. I was a bit emotional about things that I won’t discuss here. 

We did hang out yesterday, we watched The Amazing Spider-Man. I have not watched this in years but I was reminded yesterday how much I love Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker/Spider-man. I know there are a lot of people who didn’t like this version. But I love it. And more importantly, my hun enjoyed it as well. He was very adamant that he likes Tom Holland’s version, but now I’m not so sure. I’m pretty sure he was leaning towards the Andrew Garfield one. Not to exclude Tobey Maguire’s. That version will always have a special place in my heart. I was very open with my hun that I didn’t like the Tom Holland version and was not interested in watching the rest of the trilogy. The only reason why I wanted to watch No Way Home is because Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield were there.

We also started rewatching Attack on Titan Season 1. This anime has been in the back of my head for a while now, wanting to continue on with the series. I am still not a fan of Eren and Mikasa. But my annoyance with Eren is not as pronounced now compared to the first time I watched season 1. We shall see how this will pan out.

07.20.22 – My Brain is Not Working

Nothing really happened today. I did manage to squeeze four trainings today. So that was productive I think.

I tried reading a mystery thriller and gave up after one chapter. Not in the mood for it. I am craving for something dark or maybe something sad. I don’t know. But I’m really struggling with this reading slump.

Still watching Gilmore Girls. In fact, I was watching it at work. Normally, I would be on YouTube the whole day. But now that I canceled YT premium, I really cannot take the ads, they annoy me. So that’s a no for me. So Netflix it is.

My head is really hurting thinking on what to type here today. The struggles were real. My hun is doing a double today, so of course no hang out today.

I guess I’ll end it here. I’m getting irritable with all the ads on Hulu and the heat. PMS is definitely not helping.