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11.14.22 – Sasaki is just Adorable

Please tell me there really is no one who likes Mondays, right? Anyway, it was fine today. Nothing too outrageous happened at work. Which was nice because I was definitely sleepy and I could barely pay attention to work.

Anyway, I cooked when I got home. I cook spare ribs adobo. But on top of the regular soy sauce, I added super dark soy sauce, some brown sugar, and yes, I used a little bit more vinegar than I would use normally use in a regular adobo. And it was so good. I just eyeballed the measurements. 

I got to hang out with my love today. And we watched some shows.

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. We watched one episode. Well, the last episode. And I was annoyed. I felt this way too with One Punch One. Like what the fuck? But regardless, I am glad that my love recommended this anime. I love how dark and creepy the anime could be. They could’ve pushed it but I think the anime got a good balance of lightness and darkness in the storyline. I love Hanako and Tsukasa. Kou was also up there. Nene, meh, I still did not like her toward the end. 

Romantic Killer. We tried. We stopped after a few minutes. Why? I am already not feeling the premise. We might give it another try at a later time. But I just did not like the fact that she has to give up what she loves to do just to find a guy. Bleh.

Durarara!! Let’s just say I’m intrigued. It’s a bit hard to actually know until I watch maybe a couple more episodes. 

Sasaki and Miyano. This one is just so good. I still think that this is one of the anime that captured the inner struggles of young love so well. Yes. It was Sasaki’s inner struggle that caught my heart and I mean he is cutie. So far, I think my hun is liking it. I am not hearing any objections as of yet. And the dub…It’s so good. Chef’s Kiss.

What am I going to do now? 

Read more BL webtoons. I am also planning to read a chapter of Darling Girl. This book really took a backseat for almost a month now. I am no proud of that.

11.13.22 – He Gave Sasaki and Miyano a Chance

Sunday? Is it bad if I say that I felt lazy the whole day? Because that is what I felt the whole day. I mean sure I was somewhat productive – threw away the trash, washed dishes, cooked garlic butter tilapia, cooked rice, and finished folding my laundry. I procrastinated on the last one obviously. Why? I hate doing laundry. Out of the chores that I have to do weekly, laundry is the one that I detest the most.

Anyway, my hun and I got to hang out today. We decided to skip yesterday since I was not feeling well. At least my hun found the time today since his schedule was pretty busy today. On top of that, he was having some laptop issues earlier. I actually thought that we won’t be able to because of technical issues but I was glad it got sorted out. We watched two episodes of The God of High School, an episode of The Great British Baking Show, two episodes of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, and an episode of Sasaki and Miyano. 

The God of High School. Not going to lie, I am getting interested in this anime. Granted, I still feel like there were some characters that I really don’t care for and could be cut out, but I am still interested in the Jin and Han. I think it’s somewhat getting interesting. I enjoyed the fight scene with the commissioners and the assassins. My hun thinks that there should be more fighting. I mean that makes sense since this is technically a martial arts competition anime.

The Great British Bake Show. Episode 7: Custard. The bakers were asked to make floating islands for their signature, make pistachio and praline ice cream for technical, and custard gateau for their showstopper. Going into this week, I had a feeling about who was going to go home. But of course, they always start on a clean slate at the beginning of the week. So there really is no saying who can go home. Anyway, Syabira took the star baker again this week. No surprise despite a disastrous technical challenge – they called it the pistachio soup since her ice cream did not set. But her signature bake and showstopper stole the show this week. For a second we thought Janusz was going home because he was second to the last on the technical and his showstopper was not good. However, it was Kevin who went home, which was what I thought it would be, although his showstopper tasted good. But if he pulled it off perfectly, I felt like Janusz would’ve gone home.

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. Well, this anime was getting creepier. Not scary, just creepy. Of course, the animation style was really top notch and it definitely helped the ambiance of the anime. Tsukasa, Hanako’s twin brother, was becoming one of my favorites on the show. Well, could be one of my favorites ever. His character just seems so sinister but also really likable at times. He really genuinely gets happy when he sees Amane (Hanako). I am still not a fan of Nene. Maybe she already had a character development but it was just so subtle that I missed it. Who knows. But if she already had it, then damn, Kou’s character development overshadowed that then. 

Sasaki and Miyano. Well, this was a curveball. I guess I persuaded my hun enough to give this yaoi a chance. He said that I liked the anime so much that he was willing to give it a chance. We shall see what he thinks after the second episode. I love this anime, I am not asking him to love the anime as well, I just want to share it with him.

11.13.22 – Rough Times

Well, it has been six days since I posted! Why? Why? I have not been well. Let’s just say that I was lost in my head and was having issues putting together coherent words. Yeah, let’s go with that.

Nothing much going on really. I’ve just been super busy with work last week – dealing CAP inspection, meetings, the huge launch coming up, and handling everything while being short-staffed. Was I struggling? Yes. So my brain just didn’t want to function when I get home. 

A coworker that I started this department with left the company and his last day was yesterday – Friday. I was pretty emotional. I did allow myself to cry for a few minutes in my office. But that was it. I do not allow myself to cry a lot of times, because if I fall apart, the rest will fall apart. I do not want that. On top of that, I was nursing a very bad headache as well. So, that was not fun.

I also had a rough night. I was not sure what triggered it but my anxiety was in full swing last night. I just could not sleep. All I know was that everything was annoying me. I felt like I was suffocating. The weather is on the colder side now, so covering up is a must. My body did not want to bundle up. I had to change to a tank top and a pair of shorts in lieu of my lounge pants and long sleeves because I felt constricted wearing them. With that barely anything attire, I had to be under the covers, which again my body rejected. The skin of my inner thighs was touching each other so I could not sleep on my side. I was annoyed with my pillows because it was touching my skin, and yes, the same with the blanket. It was constricting me and it was touching my skin. I was annoyed at my dog since he was cuddled next to me. It was a struggle.

My hun talking to me last night helped and I was able to sleep after that. I think talking to him took me out of my head, and pretty much distracted me enough that my body can succumb to sleep. I was grateful for that.

Today was a little better. But my allergies were pretty bad. My throat was itchy pretty much the whole day and I had rashes on my arms and legs. It could be stress rashes. Right now, the sliding door to the apartment is open, because I started feeling anxious again. Yeah, that is what’s been going on. The only thing that has not stopped regardless of me feeling like a mess is me reading BL webtoons and waiting for new episodes to get released everyday.

11.06.22 – This Weather = Me Lazy

My allergies are pretty all over the place right now. You would think I know what triggered it but I am not. I took a couple of allergy pills right now just to help calm it down a bit. I really should be using my EpiPen at this time. Two organ systems are affected. But I really don’t want to. I just want to use that for actual emergency things. 

I’ve been pretty much lazy today. However, I was able to go to the gas station to pump gas and pump air. I stopped by Starbucks to get coffee since I was out already. I had to take a rain check on throwing the trash since the dumpsters in our facility are too full, I mean overflowing. I’m not even going to try to make a trek there. I am expecting the ground to be full of garbage bags at the moment.

I am burning through so many webtoons right now. It’s hard to ration them. Did I tell you that it’s cold right now? It’s a bit drizzling at the moment too. It is the perfect stay-in-bed under-the-covers weather. So that is what I am doing today. At least until my love is done with work. We do have plans to hang out a bit after he finishes work.

Tomorrow will be busy for me. I will be understaffed tomorrow. And it’s N’s last week, his last day is on Friday. It’s definitely bittersweet since we kind of started the team here in this lab. Anyway, on Tuesday, it will be a CAP inspection, so that day will be busy as well. I do not know. I think I’m just getting stressed. I am back to waiting until phase 2 is launched. I just want to make sure the team is fully ready and that everything is smooth before I can leave.

11.05.22 – I Guess More BL this Weekend

I was really not feeling well the last few days. I felt like I was too exhausted to do anything. Why? I feel like I need to get more rest. This is pretty weird to say especially since I feel like all I do is sleep. Well, I guess that’s technically not true. I’ve been reading a lot of webtoons at night.

Got to hangout with my love today albeit being done pretty early. However, we did start early today so it was pretty understandable that we’re done hanging out now. We ended up watching 5 episodes of Cowboy Bebop, the anime. And 1 episode of The Great British Baking Show. 

Not much to say about Cowboy Bebop. I enjoy it, I like the art style of the anime, the action sequences, and its very noir style. The soundtrack is pretty good. Jazz really matches the ambiance of the anime. Ein is the goodest of boys. I will forever say this. I will not get tired of that doggo.

For The Great British Baking Show, we watched episode 5: Desserts. The bakers were asked to make eight steamed puddings for their signature, a lemon meringue pie for their technical, and a hidden surprise mouse dessert for their showstopper. One of our favorite bakers, Syabira, had a rough week with her flavors. I had a bad feeling that she was going home but there was one baker who did worse. The star baker this week was Sandro. His earth show-stopper mouse cake was really impressive. I thought Janusz was going to get the star baker again this week, I’m glad someone else got it. Sandro has been wanting that recognition for a bit now. We do want him to get a handshake though. Freaking Paul was being stingy with it. Eventually, I know he’ll get it.

Today was lazy. I did my weekly chores already. So all I really need to do this weekend is relax. What do I do? Well aside from reading my BL webtoons, I plan on re-watching Junjo Romantica. Currently on Episode ten of Season One. There are three seasons.

11.01.22 – Last Day of Being Lazy

Just when I thought I cannot get any lazier, today happened. I mean, do not get me wrong, I managed to do python this morning. But after that, I just ended up in bed again, and I napped. I just finished cooking rice and frying some tilapia. But that was out of necessity than anything. I planned on working today but I decided against it. I just didn’t want to do work today on my PTO. 

I just read some BL webtoons again. And I think I’m fine with that. I am still trying to fight the temptation to buy some inks for that other app. But I am reading nonstop on the app which I have a monthly subscription on. Anyway, I am feeling a bit guilty for not reading anything from Darling Girl but I am enjoying the webtoons at the moment. For anyone who knows me, the media I enjoy kind of comes in waves, in phases. There are times that all I do is read books, then next I would be watching YouTube videos (the topics come in waves for this one too), and I guess right now, I’m enjoying webtoons.

Anyway, I have nothing else to say really. Today is another lazy PTO day. Back to work tomorrow and what does that mean? I have three days to finish the SOP updates that need to be done for phase 2. That will be done. I will make time for it.

I now currently waiting for my hun to be ready to hang out with me. He is taking his sweet ass time deciding on what to eat. I’m also now craving some burgers and fries. But I do not have a car and I cannot go anywhere. I refuse to get it delivered since it is so expensive! Maybe tomorrow. Hmmm, now that I think about it, I do not think there are any burger places close to work…The heck.


My hun and I got to hang out today. We watched a couple of episodes of The Great Britain Baking Show, two episodes of God of High School, three episodes of Toliet-bound Hanako-kun, and two episodes of Ouran High School Host Club.

The Great Britain Baking Show. Episode 3: Bread Week. The bakers were asked to make 2 sharing-size pizzas for the signature bake, 12 pain aux raisins for the technical challenge, and Smorgastarta for the showstopper bake. At this point, we already have three favorite bakers – Syabira, Sandro, and Janusz. Janusz was the star baker for the week, and no one went home. It was a freebie week, two bakers – Abdul and Rebs – did not compete. So it was decided that no one will be sent home. Which of course is only fair. Episode 4: Mexican week. The bakers were asked to make 12 pan dulce for signature, tacos for technical, and tres leches cake for the show stopper. Maxy was the star baker for this episode, and Rebs (thank goodness) and James went home. The tres leches cakes looked so good. A lot of the bakers struggled with the technical – making tortillas from scratch. 

The God of High School. Hmmmm, what can I say about this one? I am still feeling meh about this anime. I like Mori Jin and Daewi Han. That’s it. I really have nothing else to say. I do want to see some more of Han’s story. The character shift for him in the last bit of 4th episode was good. I want to see more of that. I feel like Mira Yoo is not needed. Bleh. Am I ready to give up on this anime, not quite yet. I am interested in Jin’s and Han’s journey for sure.

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. Well, this anime is definitely enjoyable. The art style was top-notch. I like that in each episode you get to see Hanako’s backstory. I still don’t care about Nene. Kou has a bit of a character shift from wanting to exorcise Hanako to being hesitant about it. Hanako definitely carries the show for sure. And you want to peel off more of Hanako’s story – how he ended up being a ghost and how he was able to change his future.

Ouran High School Host Club. It was the two summer vacation episodes where Haruhi was in Karuizawa. Episode 16 where Haruhi and Hikaru went on a date was one of my favorites because it showed the character development of Hikaru.