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03.07.23 – My Bed Calls My Name

I am feeling off. I just feel exhausted. I’m in pain as well. For some freaking reason, I am in pain. My hun is also feeling off. Yes, we are a pair.

We decided to take a raincheck for today. From what I gather, both of us just stayed in bed. I mean that is what I did after washing the dishes and feeding the dogs when I got home from work. I had Sleepless in Seattle in the background. I just wanted something that I do not need to pay attention to. Hence, I chose this movie.

I have not been able to read a book. I have been busy looking for jobs. Or busy getting stressed looking for jobs. Yeah, I have been on a roller coaster for the last couple of weeks. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and depression is starting to seep in.

03.06.23 – The Crows Flew

How was my first day back after a week or so PTO? Stressful. Well, not really. I just felt tired. I almost did not want to go to work. Definitely not happy to be back. But I need to pay the bills. So to work I went.

My hun and I finally got to hang out tonight! It was nice after not being able to when I was in SoCal. I had a good time. Although, I do have a headache now. We ended up finishing Haikyu!! season 3. And oh boy. Yeah. YEAH.

Haikyu!! The last three episodes of season three definitely had me on the edge of my seat. As my hun said, they did a good job expanding this 5-set game to 10 episodes. And there were no lulls the whole time. This season is the Tsukki arc for sure, hands down. His character development was top-notch. It took a while for him, but damn, this character arc was good. My hun cheered when Tsukki ran back to the court. One of my favorite panels, as well as my hun favorite panel, was when Hinata and Tsukki were being overpowered by Ushijima. Basically, the visual was Ushijima pushing Hinata and Tsukki down on the ground. As the other Karasuno team members helped to keep the ball up – Daichi, Asahi, and Ryu, the visual added them helping the first years push Ushijima off them. It was great. It was such a powerful representation that Karasuno is in fact a team working seamlessly, helping each other out. Well, the loss for Shiratorizawa was definitely an upset but I do not care. Their team was so boring to watch. The only animated player there was Tendo. Anyway, Karasuno is going to the Nationals.

Not that I watch sports anime in general, but if we end up watching some more of this genre in the future, Haikyu!! set the bar pretty high. I do have a feeling that we will have a hard time finding another sports anime that can keep us this invested.

03.03.23 – PTO Coming to a Close

This makes me sad. I’ve been enjoying this no work thing. And now I would need to go back to the real world, because I fucking have to.

Anyway, I visited Chris’ folks today. And yes, you guessed it – I overate. And yes, I passed out because of food coma. Regardless, it was a nice quick visit and catching up. My mom took home a lot of plants for her backyard.

I read a lot of webtoons on the way there, and read a few pages of The Killing Dance. I do have a feeling that I will not be able to finish any book till this vacation is done. It’s all good. At least I got some reading done. I am not complaining. I feel like my vacay has been successful.

Now, all I can think of is that I do not want to go back to work. And yes, I am having some major anxiety going back. I am not a big fan of flying, and I would have to go back to work next week. And I don’s want to.

03.02.23 – What is Up with these Filipino Movies Making Me Cry?

Well today was another day spent with my parents. And honestly, it was fine. My vacation was not for me to see friends and other people, I went to SoCal to visit my folks. So when I said that I was fine just staying at home and spending time with them, I meant it.

Anyway, we just went to do some grocery shopping. We bought some stuff to cook at home. And I ended up cooking them dinuguan since my mom does not like cooking with blood. I mean it was easy. I’ve cooked the dish a few times, and I am glad that my parents liked it.

We also just watched a couple of movies and I liked both of them. I mean, compared to rom-coms, the adult Filipino dramas just hit different. The topic and the conflicts are on a more mature end of things and I appreciate that.

A Faraway Land. This one is good for sure. I liked it. The only thing that I tend to not agree on, is that the “love” is a little bit on the instant end of things. 6 days to fall in love with someone is a bit too soon. Too superficial. You cannot expect a person to leave her husband, her daughter, her life in a foreign land on a simple attraction. Is it realistic? I believe so. The only thing that I do not buy is the love part. Attraction, sure. Love, nah. Not enough time to nurture that.

First Love. Now this! This was just wow. My experience with this movie was good. I mean, I cried! I cried! I smiled, I was giddy. I was heartbroken. This definitely pulled at my heartstrings. This movie just hit me in such a visceral way. Awesome movie. I have no complaints. Well, I guess I have complaints but not about the movie. My parents watched this movie already and I said I have not. So they said “Sure, let’s watch it. It’s a good movie”. I started the movie, and my parents decided to say the huge spoilers of the plot. “Great” was all that I could think of. It did not deter me from enjoying the movie though.

I’ve been reading webtoons sparingly throughout the day. Like I said, I do not want to isolate myself if I read a book. Since the main reason I am on PTO and why I’m in SoCal was to to spend time with my folks. And reading a book would require me to not be present with them.

03.01.23 – The Day for Filipino Movies

I did not do anything productive today! I just watched Filipino movies with my parents. I read a little bit, but my time was very much spent hanging out in the living room watching Netflix with my parents. I also try not to read during the day just because I came here to spend time with my parents. Not isolate myself to read a book. I also took a nap because food coma. But for the most part, I was just spending time with my folks.

Mommy Issues. This was definitely a rewatch for me. But I got to watch it with my mother this time, so it was all good. Well, this movie, as you can tell by the title, is about a mother-daughter relationship and how the mom in this movie had a hard time letting go of her daughter. I think they meant for the movie to be heartfelt. But it fell a little bit short on delivery. Honestly, all I saw was an entitled daughter. I hated the fact that at 22, the daughter acted like a kid. Sure, the mother had her faults but damn, if the daughter’s argument was the fact that she is an adult making her own decisions, then act like one. It annoyed the shit out of me that she was so defensive and being so immature when her fiance asked her to help with the chores. I just cannot buy the excuse of “I didn’t realize that this will be my job” or “I’m tired because of work”. Bitch, he did not say that you will be doing the chores all the time AND he also works full time and tired from work as well. Carry your weight. Living together is a partnership. Anyway, rant done.

Can’t Help Falling In Love. One of my favorite movies to repeat. Granted I might be biased because I really do like the actors playing the MCs on here. But it was something different you know? It’s definitely not the regular formula for Filipino romance dramas. I love it. I laughed, I cried, I was engaged with the movie. It was good fun.

The Girl Allergic to WiFi. This one was surprising. I kept on passing this movie up when I browse on Netflix. Damn, that was a mistake. I liked. The premise for this is definitely something I have not seen before. It was definitely refreshing. The fact of the matter that I was tearing up at the end of this movie shows how much the movie pulled at my heartstrings.

The Hows of Us. Well, this one is about second chances, it definitely followed the right love at the wrong time trope. And it’s so good. Yes, again I was crying through this movie. Like wtf.

Also, a few days here and I am finally enjoying watching some basketball again. I used to watch it religiously, maybe it’s time to pick it up again. We shall see. I do not feel like getting ESPN for something like this.

I am planning on reading tonight. No excuses this time. Last night I passed out. I took a nap earlier so hopefully that can keep me up later than what has been happening to me the past few nights.

02.28.23 – Damn, That was a Waste of Time

Remember last week when I said that my mother thought her appointment was 24th but instead it was the 28th? So today, we went to the freaking doctor – 10 minutes late just because the traffic from where we were at to that freaking clinic was horrible. We got there and the MD refused to see her. TEN MINUTES LATE ONLY. This clinic is nowhere near my parents’ place over an hour drive. I told my mom, find another doctor close to the house. Both my parents do not need to keep wasting their time going to this clinic.

I understand, honor the time and all that stuff, but to be honest with you, ten minutes is nothing. Was I annoyed? Yes. We drove all the way there only to get turned away for something that we cannot control. It’s fucking stupid. Whatever. It’s done.

We had another big lunch. We got some Chinese food! And again I had so much to eat and I was so full. You know what that means – FOOD COMA! Did I pass out on the drive home? You betcha. I mean what else would I have done differently? Nothing really, I was just consumed by my body digesting all the salt and pepper chicken, salt and pepper fish fillets, Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce, and some pork bbq fried rice. Yeah, all good food. All in my tummy. Ergo – pass out in the car.

I was able to read a little bit last night and today on the way to the clinic, which was nice. Like I said I have not been able to read a book at all. It was nice to actually get some pages in. The plan tonight is the same. Read some pages. I really like to finish this book tonight. So I am hoping I get to do that.

Continuing with The Killing Dance, I swear Richard-Anita-Jean Claude triumvirate is the most toxic ever. Well, to be fair, I have no idea about the other trios in this series. But as of right now, since this is the first one that got introduced, I’m calling it toxic. My god. I cannot. Chris made a point in saying that these three are the top dogs of their kind. So none of them will give. And I agree, their trio is powerful because the three of them are the on the most powerful of their kinds (possibly). But would that work? Considering all of them are alpha. I feel like there should be at least that can work as a glue. I know Anita is the glue here for sure, connecting Richard and Jean Claude, but I really think she’s too much of an alpha to the glue. But I mean that could change in the long run. Like I said, their actual power sharing just got introduced in the series. So we shall see.

I will be reading some more tonight. My goal is to finish The Killing Dance tonight. I mean it. I have like maybe over a hundred pages remaining. I will finish this tonight. No excuses.