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05.08.23 – Today was a Fail.

The title said it all. I woke up with a migraine. And I am still suffering from it at this time. I did some daily chores but I limited it to cooking and washing dishes. Then I took a nap. Then apparently my brain was so weird today that I was having dream within a dream within a dream – yeah yeah, dreamception. So today was just a fail all over. I was in pain and I had no motivation to do anything. Tomorrow will be a new day though. So hopefully, I feel better tomorrow.

No plans tonight. Read a little bit maybe, just really depends if my head would let me do anything at this point. Sure right now, my brain was tolerable. But I still don’t feel top-notch. We shall see though. All I know is I cannot stare at the computer screen for an extended amount of time.

05.07.23 – I Don’t Know What Sleep Is.

I just feel exhausted today. Not going to lie, a major factor for this could be the fact that my sleep schedule has been nonexistent lately. I just find myself tossing and turning the whole night. I really think the stress was just getting to me now. There was nothing I could do about the stress at the moment. But hopefully soon. I want to get some semblance of normalcy back.

Since I was exhausted today meant that I was lazy the whole day. Again, I did some chores. But really, that was all my body was willing to do. Just the daily things. And, I was able to finish my computer setup today. The little adapter I bought from Amazon worked! So now, all of my monitors are working.

New Setup.

My hun and I managed to hang out today. And we were able to watch a couple of movies – The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I am glad that he liked the movies. He apologized to me because he said that he was starting to like this series better compared to the Harry Potter Series and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He said that there was always something going on. And that was a fair assessment. He was right. The Hunger Games series I feel like was a bit more fast-paced than the other series that I love.

No big plans tonight. Just read a little bit…maybe. Not sure yet. Who knows? I had no big plans for tomorrow as well. All I wanted to do was just finish clearing the closet so that I could work on some more reorganization here in the apartment. Other than that, nothing really was planned. Also, my brain has been invaded by sushi. Yeah, sushi sounded so good recently._

05.06.23 – My Only Project Today was a Fail.

Well, the only thing that I wanted to do today was set up a second monitor for my personal computer setup. And that failed. Why? The second monitor cannot be detected. I was fiddling with it, searching the internet for a solution. Nothing worked. To say that I was annoyed and frustrated was a huge understatement. My roommate tried and we concluded that the port that I was using on my computer was broken. That was the only logical explanation since the connecter that she is currently using for her setup did not work on mine when we tried it. I ordered a thing from Amazon to see if that would work, but we shall see. This was really the project I had today and it did not go well. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be able to figure this out.

But, guess what I have been consuming the whole day, The Hills. I am currently in Season Three. Okay, let’s get this straight, I am not one to watch some trashy reality TV but this along with Laguna Beach was my show of choice back in the day. What? I was the same age as these kids. My life was definitely not as interesting as this. Anyway, the definitely hits differently when you’re in your 30’s. So this will be what I’m consuming tonight until I’m sleepy.

Of course, I am also reading tonight. Webtoons though. I am still on break from novels. I will pick it up again soon though. I really want to continue on with Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3. But I feel like I have a book hangover from Book 2. Almost like needing to marinate what went down in that book.

Roma Reacts to Chainsaw Man

  • Anime Title: Chainsaw Man
  • Episodes: 12
  • Where to Watch: Crunchyroll and Hulu
  • Publisher: MAPPA

This anime came out alongside the newest season of Bleach, so obviously I placed this on our anime watchlist. And after hearing a lot of people giving this anime such good words, my hun and I finally decided to pick it up.

This anime follows the protagonist, Denji, an impoverished boy and an unofficial devil hunter to pay his father’s debts. One incident happened that made him form a contract with a cute dog-like devil, Pochita. The contract basically fused their bodies in turn giving Denji the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. He later joined the Public Safety Devil Hunters, which was a government group focused on killing devils.

Pretty interesting premise, and it delivered. Denji was a different sort of main character compared to a lot of the Shonen main characters we experienced before. He did not have a clear-cut goal. No big dreams of being a leader of something. No big goals of revenge. Nothing like that. And to me, that was refreshing to see. He only had one simple dream – to live a good, comfortable life. And he reached that goal the moment he joined the Public Safety group. So for the rest of this first season, it was just about maintaining it. He did have some mini-goals in the series – to hold breasts, and to kiss someone. Some people might argue that those were pretty shallow goals and I argue back, he already reached his dream, and now he could focus on what matters for a kid his age. I couldn’t hate him and wouldn’t criticize him for it. Those were fair goals for a 16-year-old boy.

The thing that made this anime stand out for me was how female characters were portrayed. We’ve all seen how female characters were portrayed in some of the popular Shonen anime. I don’t need to reiterate that. But this anime showed some strong female characters that did not fall in the token female category.

Let’s talk about Himeno for a quick second here. She was hot. Let’s not make this any more complicated than that. It was so easy to just put her there for fan service. They did not do that. Sure, you see her in a tank top and a pair of underwear in her own apartment. You saw her undressing to take a shower and even then it was not explicit. This was something that you would do at your own apartment. She was the leader of a group of devil hunters. A LEADER and very capable at that. A role that would normally be given to a male character. But on top of that, she has flaws. She could be considered promiscuous. A playboy, as you may. Having kissed most of the team members apparently. She has depth. Carrying the guilt that she had multiple partners die on her watch. That was a heavy burden to carry and she even visits their graves regularly.

How about that scared girl who wanted to kill Denji to survive? Kobeni. This character I had to marinate in my brain first. Sure I found her annoying the first time she was introduced. She was scared shitless and she was not thinking straight. But now that I had some time to think about it, being scared was the normal reaction for someone who was in this business. The only way for them to survive that situation was to sacrifice Denji. And she tried to do that because that was the logical thing to do to save the other members of the team. But you know what? She overcame her fears to even save Denji later on and we were shown how capable she really was.

How about Power? The fan favorite. The manic pixie dream girl character. She was not my favorite, to be honest, but I saw the appeal. She was feral. Because she was. She was fun. She does what she wants. She does not care. And for all the trios that we saw in anime, this female character did not blend in the background. She did not have any romantic attachments to either Aki or Denji. She was not useless. And for the most part, she was on equal footing with his partners. She has her faults, she is not the strongest, and she fucks up, but she does not care. She would still say that she was the best out of all of them.

Makima, I mean, the boss. A female boss. We have not seen enough of her yet, but all I know, just from watching the anime, was the fact that she is one scary bitch. And I would not want to mess with her, EVER. Because her contract with whatever devil makes her that powerful.

Overall, I found this anime enjoyable. It did not give me the chills compared to some of my favorite Shonen anime. But it did the job. The animations were good. At least I think so. I enjoyed how the fight scenes were carried out. The execution overall was great. And I would like to watch the second season when it comes out. Because I want to see what happens next. Do I think it was overrated? Do I think it was overhyped? Sure. But I see the appeal of the anime. The bottom line is enjoyment is preferential. Some people will give this an S rating and some will put it in A. I will put it in the A rank category.

05.05.23 – I’m Not Sure If I Was Tired or Just Lazy.

I was not sure what happened to me today. I was hit with a big “I don’t want to leave the bed” mood. I was not sure what to call it. I guess I could call it laziness. But I also felt tired. Exhausted almost. I was just underneath the covers the whole day. I woke up, fed the dogs, cooked breakfast, had coffee, I tried to sit in front of my computer. But I decided to go back to bed. Granted I read some but it was not the capacity I would’ve liked. After maybe an hour, I stood up, went to the kitchen, made my second mug of coffee, sat in front of my computer, and then decided to go back to bed. Then repeated the motions, without the coffee this time. But honestly, it was a struggle.

I was able to hang out with my hun today though. Which was nice, since I was feeling really unproductive the whole day.

Naruto. Well, finally the final stage of the Chunin Exam started. The first fight was between Naruto and Neji, which I was very excited to see. Aside from major things and the outcome of something, I really do not remember many of the details of this anime. So for the most part, it felt like I am watching the anime for the first time. I just remember that I really did not like Sakura, which I still don’t. I told my hun to just form his own opinions on her and her character since I’m really biased in my thoughts about her. I mean right now, she has not done anything. She could’ve been taken out of the anime at this point and the plot would’ve moved forward.

Inuyasha. I really refuse to comment on Kagome at this point. I saw the demon Inuyasha, and boy, he was something. And the black-haired Inuyasha showed up in this episode too! Tetsusaiga broke! And now, after the repair, it was heavier. But I am excited to see what this sword can do now that Inuyasha’s fang was used for the binding. I got to see Sesshomaru a little bit. So that was nice.

Horimiya. We were enjoying this anime. I liked the fact that we got to see some of Miyamori’s struggle, I guess a more in-depth one. And honestly, I came to the conclusion that people just suck. I mean who would bully and isolate a kid like Miyamori? Just because he was shy? Because he was awkward? I never saw this happening firsthand when I was in school, but I know it happens in real life. And that was just horrible! Also, Hori has some kink. I personally have no issues seeing that, however, this display happened in a public setting which made it a tad uncomfortable. It was one of those things that you don’t really show the public because of the fact that the kink should be between you and your partner. If it happened in a private place, sure. But the fact that classmates and people on the street were subjected to it was the issue. It all boils down to consent for me.

Anyway, I currently doing laundry because why not? I personally do not want to deal with it tomorrow so I just decided to get it over with. I am kind of itching to fix my computer station tonight. But I will just do that tomorrow morning after I come back from the store. I would be reading tonight as well. But I would be reading webtoons tonight instead of a novel. I want to take a break from reading novels for one more day.

05.04.23 – This Time, It Was Not Worth It.

I, a person with sensitivities to some food, tend to eat some allergens from time to time and will say “Worth it” if I suffered some consequences later. Well, yesterday was definitely not worth it. To say that I had a rough night was a huge understatement. I’m just going to say that I did not get enough sleep. I know, you would think I would be okay considering I have been staying up all night for quite a few days. But it’s just not the same. Last night was horrible and I couldn’t do anything else but be in bed and suffer. Yeah, definitely not worth it.

Regardless, I was able to go to Costco this morning despite the tiredness. And got totally annoyed since it was still crowded despite the store being barely open and on a weekday. But I was able to get what I need and stock up on some protein, and snacks. I might still go to a regular grocery store over the weekend just for produce since I don’t like buying bulk on those.

I did not really make any big plans for today. Good thing too because I was too tired to pretty much do anything. I was able to hang out with my love and got to watch some anime.

Naruto. Well, Naruto successfully tapped into that nine-tail chakra and was able to summon the chief toad, Gamabunta! I was glad about that. But of course, he was KO’d for three days and three nights but that was to be expected. We got to see a glimpse of Gaara’s past and it was heartbreaking. Not to excuse his behavior but his was a very lonely existence. He was hardened by what happened to him, he was exposed to such horrible training, to the point that he seems to have no emotions left, no more humanity. He had no choice but to accept that he was created to be a weapon. I was just saying that his character has depth.

Horimiya. This anime was too cute for words. My favorite character for sure was Tooru Ishikawa. He was such a good friend. Such a resilient person. He was such a supportive character and I love him. I think the best thing I could say about this anime was the fact that sure the main storyline was Hori and Miyamura, but they manage to give the others some solid storyline to follow. And Miyamura was such a gem. He always knew the right thing to say to Hori when she was feeling a little bit insecure. I love him too.

Inuyasha. I do not have much comment about this. Just that Miroku was such a character. He makes me laugh. And he was also gross. Dude! She was only 14 and already wanted to carry your child. Horrible! Infatuation at its finest. You should only have eyes for Sango. Cause both of you getting together made sense to me. We will not talk about Kagome.

I was planning to read HOB tonight, but we shall see. I have been yawning nonstop for the last 15 minutes. So I might just end up passing out. Which is okay by me.