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06.20.23 – Me? Eating Veggies? What?

I cooked a bunch of veggies today! What? Me cooking veggies? I cooked a bunch of spinach, sauteed in fresh garlic and olive oil. Roasted some broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, and carrots in the oven, just seasoned with a little bit of salt, pepper, and garlic powder. They were good. The spinach was gone now. But I still have some of the others left. So that was good. Tomorrow, I need to cook some quinoa.

I was able to sit down and do some of my classes today. So I felt a bit productive for sure. I needed some refresher on Data Science. I’ve been feeling a bit rusty. After that, I want to do some Python classes. But that would be on the back burner.

I also fixed my schedule. I needed to block my hours on what to do and when to do them. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who needs a bit of structure in my day, or else it will just go to waste. I figured, since I am kind of motivated right now, I might as well do it. I am tired of just sitting around without aim on a daily basis.

My hun and I were able to hang out today. We were able to watch a couple of episodes of Naruto and an episode of Parasyte.

Naruto. We finally got a conclusion on this arc. And yes, I cried. Because why wouldn’t I? The character development of Gaara was much appreciated. That one word “sorry” that he said to Temari and Kankuro was huge for him. We loved it. Naruto’s development was also good. It was just the story that drags.

Parasyte. I really like the balance between Migi and Izumi. Migi with a rational, very emotionless way of thinking. Izumi infuses that with logic and humanity. That could be a perfect partnership for sure.

06.19.23 – Getting Back Into Things.

I have been feeling sick for a bit. So I was just laying in bed, sleeping, browsing TikTok, watching YouTube videos, rewatching movies, reading manhwa and manhua. But mostly, it was me in bed sleeping.

Chris and I went back to Filcuisine over the weekend and we ordered some new stuff! And they were so good. We were glad that we caught them when they were not busy yet. We were the second dine-in customers. It was nice. They were understaffed and super busy. I felt terrible since they were running around. And the kitchen was also busy with all the online orders. But the food was great. No complaints there.

Since I was feeling a lot better, I decided it was time to go back to working out. I was not able to work out last week aside from that Monday. And this time, my boyfriend joined me! It was fun. Different since we were doing it via Discord. But it was good. I had fun. It was nice working out together. After our cardio, he did his exercise program and I did my weight training while staying on Discord the whole time.

I created a page on my Notion to log my workouts. I mean granted, I could’ve easily used a notebook (which I do have blank notebooks for) to log what I eat and what exercises I did. However, I really do not feel like carrying a notebook or having a notebook right next to me. Why? I went digital for the convenience of it. The only thing that I still use pen and paper for was for journaling.

I felt like I would be sore again. I would not be surprised since I only worked out once last week, on top of not working out in a long time. Also, I found out last week that I needed heavier weights when doing my lower extremity workouts so I increased it today. And yes, I was feeling it on my legs today. Which was good!

Anyway, no big plans tonight. Probably just read. Hopefully a book. Not that I’m complaining about the media I was consuming heavily lately. I just want to actually read a book.

Roma Reacts to The Lies I Tell

  • Title: The Lies I Tell
  • Author: Julia Clark
  • Genre: Domestic Thriller
  • Pages: 320
  • Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
  • Published: 2022

I like a good thriller mystery. So it was no surprise why I picked this book up. I read the synopsis and it gave me Anna Delvey vibes. Conwoman came back to her home state not knowing that there was a reporter hell-bent on exposing her.

Meg was the con artist. Kat was the reporter. And this book basically revolves around their relationships. And their motivations for why they do things.

And with that, I found Kat’s motivations for exposing Meg a bit weak. Look, I love good a revenge story. And yes, Kat was exacting revenge on Meg for something that happened to her years ago. This situation eventually changed her life. And that was fine. But honestly, it was such a misplaced blame that I got annoyed every single time I was reading Kat’s chapters.

Meg’s chapters on the other hand were a delight to read. I was really glad that the book was able to convey her reasons and motivations so clearly. I enjoyed the flashbacks on her for sure. I am not surprised that I enjoyed her chapters a lot. I am kind of obsessed with heist things so her chapters were right up my alley. I definitely enjoyed her first and last cons the most. Although all her cons were satisfying.

Of course, since this was a thriller, there was a twist! Which I kind of figured out a lot sooner before the big reveal. I was in denial for the most part and refused to accept it. I was too invested.

I do not hate this book. I enjoyed it for the most part. I liked it enough to push through the book. I could’ve easily put it down and stopped reading it if I was not enjoying it. I just found it harder to go read through Kat’s chapters. It was muddled with misplaced blame and obsession almost. But other than that, I thought the book was fine.

06.15.23 – My Dog was Mad at Me.

Paco was mad at me yesterday. Not anymore. But he was definitely wary of me yesterday. Who could blame him? I left him at the hands of strangers for a couple of hours to get groomed. Let’s just say he did not want to be with me. He usually follows me around the apartment. That did not happen yesterday when we got home from his appointment. He just stared at me from across the room. I wasn’t worried. He was back to normal today.

His squint game was strong.

My boyfriend and I were able to watch some anime yesterday. We finished an anime season 1 and started a new one.

Naruto. Still waiting for a conclusion on the Sarutobi-Orochimaru fight. Getting some headway on the Naruto-Gaara fight. I loved seeing the backgrounds of the characters and the background on Gaara did not disappoint. I loved that Naruto was seeing some parallel’s between them. But he also understood that Gaara was suffering alone all his life.

Bungo Stray Dogs. That Dark Era Arc. Goodness. That was so good. Sakunosuke Oda became one of my favorite characters. I love him. I didn’t like what happened to him. but I knew that it was needed to push Osamu Dazai in the direction he needed to be. But watching that parking lot scene was brutal.

High Card. We finished this anime! I enjoyed it. The last three episodes were definitely focused on Chris. And I did love the fact that we got to his motivations. I mean, the little glimpse of him as a big brother was great. It gave us the nice peak underneath the mask that he normally wore. The ending was pretty solid. And I’m glad that it has a second season coming up. I mean, it wasn’t the best but it was definitely enjoyable.

Parasyte. Two episodes in and so far so good. I found the premise interesting and I would love to continue with it. There were definitely some changes on the MC already. We definitely saw that he does not feel fear as much anymore. I would like to see how far this symbiosis between Izumi and Migi can go.

I did not do anything today aside from what I planned. I felt tired. And all I wanted to do was sleep. So I took a nap. But my mood was still pretty bleh after so I just stayed in bed.

06.13.23 – Idle Games is a Welcomed Distraction.

Well, I was right. I woke up sore. Some muscles were more sore than others, and some felt unaffected (I would need to up the weights for these muscles). Waking up this morning was difficult. I felt like my body was glued to the bed. My arms felt heavy, which I was not surprised about. I knew I was going to be this sore yesterday. I just thought that my legs would be more affected than the rest. But I was mistaken.

Anyway, I’ve been addicted to three idle games lately. My Hotpot Story, Cat Snack Bar, and Coffee Corp. As you could deduce, these are a kind of restaurant management game. Out of the three, Coffee Corp was the game that I’ve had installed on multiple phones. Sure, every single time I got a new phone, I restarted the game. But it was all good. Earn enough money and you can open new stations, get more products, improve on said products, and open a new cafe location. Cat Snack Bar was by far the cutest. Not as But my favorite? My Hotpot Story. Why? It’s idle, but it has the full swing of actual restaurant management. From hiring and training the staff, creating and improving dishes, to renovating the restaurant.

I swear, this reorganization was never-ending. Why? I did not realize how many DVDs, Blu-rays, and games we have. The shelves I got were still not enough. Some Granted, most of the DVDs and all of the games made it to the shelves but there were still DVDs left out, none of the Blu-rays made it. And don’t get me started with some CDs. Sure I don’t have a lot, but I was hoping they would make it on the shelves as well. Whatever. I’m done with it. I just need to finish this project.

Anyway, tonight was chill. I just watched Scream V with Chris. I still had fun even though it was a rewatch for me.

I still cannot believe they killed Dewey. I do understand since they were passing the torch to new legacy characters but damn!

I have no plans to do anything tomorrow aside from taking Paco to his groomer appointment. I might need to move the DVD shelves to a different place but we shall see.

06.12.23 – Well, I’m Going to be Sore Tomorrow.

Today was the first time I worked out in months. MONTHS. And yes, I was feeling the burn. My thighs would definitely hate me tomorrow. And also my arms and my back. Actually, my whole body would hate me tomorrow. It did feel good to be back working out though. l have neglected moving around for the longest time. I might as well do it now, I have no excuse not to get back into it.

I also needed to squeeze in taking classes. Since my reorganization project is almost done, I feel like I should be able to squeeze in studying soon. I have three ongoing classes that I need to finish. And a new one that I need to start. Am I excited? Not exactly. But I feel like it is necessary. I’m getting rusty. My brain is slowly turning into goo.

What else did I do today? Well, I cooked some rice, quinoa, and tilapia. Easy things. On top of the fact that it was hot, yeah, no way in hell I would be in the kitchen for more than prep. Anyway, I just need to research some easy vegetable dishes. You know, something that you would just put in an oven or a slow cooker or something. Research research.

I did not really do much today. Just aside from what was stated, I was just relaxing for the most part. I watched Detective Pikachu and The Brothers…again. Because why not? I was able to just have the movies play in the background while I was doing the cooking and all that. Nothing big planned tonight. Just read most likely.