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07.26.23 – Why Not Splurge?

I did it. I finally bought myself a Traveler’s Notebook. This was something that I had been stopping myself from buying for years. But since I want to use my fountain pen exclusively now, I decided it was time to buy it. I mean, the initial purchase was definitely something. But the refills for it are less than $12. Or at least the refill paper that I would be using for it is not expensive. And after trying it today for the first time, all I could think of was why I waited for years before actually doing it. I didn’t feel the need to hold the pen so tightly, I didn’t feel the urge to press the nib on the paper hard, and it was just writing smoothly there was no stress on my wrist. It was nice.

My day was spent taking naps on my chair. And some reading was done. But mostly naps. I took naps the whole day. It was nice. But me taking a lot of naps in a day was an indication that I am not in a good place. Granted, I was feeling off when I woke up. I mean, I was congested, my chest was tight. And the fact that my inhaler barely helped with the breathing meant that I was also having some kind of anxiety attack. It was not good. Today was not good.

No big plans tonight. Just rest. I need to wake up early tomorrow because I need to leave the apartment at 8 AM. I have an appointment, unfortunately.

07.25.23 – Food Coma Hits Hard.

Man, I am feeling some major food coma right now. I have been so sleepy since eating dinner. Yeah, I had a pollo asado burrito for dinner and it was so good. I inhaled it and now I am feeling it. I’ve been yawning and yawning for hours and having some major difficulties keeping my eyes open.

I was able to hang out with my hun today. We watched some anime episodes. Which was good. It’s been a while since we hung out, I feel like.

Bungo Stray Dogs. It was pretty nice to see some background on Chuuya. We really enjoyed the interaction and banter between him and Dazai. It was easy to see why they are rivals. But it was also easy to see why they work so well together. Of course, they would clash. Both were young when Chuuya joined Port Mafia. Mori said that only another diamond can polish another diamond – and for these two, yeah I see that. Can you not see the ship?! We also got introduced to Fyodor Dostoevsky – the Russian manipulative villain. Not gonna lie, he is very intriguing. Let’s see what kind of menace this one brings.

Parasyte. It seems like we would be seeing some kind of character growth from Tamura Reiko. Well, at least, it seems like the anime was hinting at it. It seems like she might be feeling some kind of motherly instincts for her baby. I still find it really funny that she just says “quiet” and the baby stops crying. I think that takes skill. And I would like to learn that. Honestly, I just want Murano to find out what Izumi is. I just want to see how she’ll react.

I plan on reading a bit tonight. I have been reading sporadically for a few hours today. Which was good. I cannot complain about that. I just get annoyed with what I’m reading. As I should be, I knew I was going to have a difficult time reading Lolita. The only thing that takes me out of the book really was the French phrases interjected in some of the paragraphs. I had to bust out Google Translate because I was curious about what they meant and how they would sound spoken. We shall see though. As I said, food coma is hitting me pretty hard right now.

07.24.23 – Finally, Some Rain.

You know, it’s hard reading Lolita. I started reading it last night and I was like come on! This narrator pretty much tells you in the beginning that he likes girls. There’s no coming back from that one. Was I triggered? Not necessarily. But I already know what I would feel about this book after I finish reading it. If I am this annoyed and I am only the first few pages, I probably would be livid as I continue reading.

It was pretty chilly today. And I was all for it. I even needed a sweater to sit out on the balcony. A SWEATER! Yes. I need this weather all the time. It was gloomy, it was chilly, and it rained. Perfect weather. I was energized the whole day. I mean, I was still lazy, but I wasn’t tired.

I ended up watching Dazed and Confused (1993) with Chris today. I have never watched this movie. All I knew was that Matthew McConaughey was in it and said “Alright, alright, alright”. And it was a movie about high school seniors doing their annual hazing of incoming freshmen. I mean, it was fun. It was one of those movies that I could just leave playing and not give it too much attention.

My right wrist has been hurting. I really need to start using my fountain pen now. And invest in notebooks that are fountain pen friendly. The journal that I’m using right now is not, since I am using a sketchbook. Most likely next week, I’ll get one. I do have a notebook given to me by my boyfriend. It uses stone paper, so I need to research what kind of pens can I use in it. We shall see.

Plan tonight? Read a little bit. Other than, just chill.

07.23.23 – Nap is My Best Friend.

I feel so tired feeling that I don’t have privacy. And that’s because I don’t. I have my computer set up in the common area and I am not happy that I don’t have a personal space. So yeah, I am desperate for a new place right now. Of course, that is not plausible at the moment. But that will be at the back of my brain until it is time to move again. But for now, I will keep on dreaming.

Anyway, I woke up with my right arm hurting. I think I slept on it but I don’t know since I woke up on my left side. So for the whole day, I have a pain relief patch on my arm. Because why not? Also, it’s hot, making me not want to move and just be in bed and sleep. Which I did. I actually took a nap. Also, Paco was just too cute and made me sleepy. So that happened in the afternoon.

I had to take a raincheck hanging out with my man. We did hang out yesterday, which was good. We did end up watching a couple of movies. We finally finished the Twilight series. We watched Breaking Dawn Part 2. Out of the five movies, he did prefer the Breaking Dawn movies. His reaction to the climax of the part 2 movie. And it was great. He did that surprised laugh. Which I was expecting. And then pretty much, he just couldn’t stop laughing when Aro changed his tune.

We tried watching Hell Baby. 30 minutes in, we just decided to give up on it. It was too painful to watch. It was pretty bad. He wanted to watch Idiocracy. He didn’t like it. I found it okay. I mean I laughed at some parts. It was cringy in some parts. I mean, the premise was interesting. But honestly, I mean I think it was just not executed well. The premise was really interesting. I don’t know, I mean obviously, they went for a more comedic route on this. However, I feel like this would’ve been better as a more serious piece. You know, that piece that will make you think and will live in your head rent-free after you watch it. Oh well.

Today was a slow day, I just cooked chicken adobo with coconut milk. It’s funny since I never had it before so I am not sure how it would turn out or how it should taste. Surprisingly, it turned out good! But next time, I think I would add some ginger and Thai chili peppers just to give the flavor a bit more depth.

Any plans tonight? Read. I haven’t picked up a book since the other day, so I want to do that tonight. I was planning on doing that this afternoon, but I took a nap. So tonight it is.

Roma Reacts to Angels of Death

  • Anime Title: Angels of Death
  • Episodes: 1 Season – 16 Episodes
  • Where to Watch: Crunchyroll
  • Publisher: Kadokawa Pictures Inc.

My man suggested this anime for us to watch. I cannot remember why exactly, but I think we were watching this alongside a romance anime and we needed to watch something that has a little bit of edge to it. Yes, we tend to do this. We like mixing our fluffy anime with some edgy anime.

This anime was a trip. I enjoyed it a lot. It definitely has the concept of an escape room, but you know, unhinged. The anime started with Rachel waking up in the basement of an unfamiliar building. And there, she meets Zack – a scythe-wielding serial killer wrapped in bandages. Rachel wants to be killed by Zack, but Zack promises to do it after she helps him get out of the building.

This anime is in no way a romance – it shouldn’t be. Rachel was 13 and Zack was in what seems to be his 20s. But that promise they made to each other is what pretty much kept them alive and kept on moving through the floors of the building. That my friend is love in the most twisted way. And to be honest, it was one of the aspects of this anime that I loved the most. And the ending. THE ENDING! I mean, it was executed well. It definitely wrapped up this whole promise made between Rachel and Zack. Let’s just say that the ending fits perfectly with the premise.

The anime presented some uncomfortable scenes obviously. It has a dark premise after all. The building Rachel and Zack were in has 6 floors. And each floor has a floor master these two need to defeat to move on to the next floor and eventually get out of the building. Anyway, I was really uncomfortable with the floor master of B5. I cannot deal with that character. The level of obsession that this character showed, it was just difficult to watch. Don’t get me wrong, none of these floor masters was likable (each of them is either a sociopath or a psychopath). There were a couple of floor masters who were palatable and one of them I genuinely like.

My favorite character for sure is Zack Foster. There is a simplicity to him, a certain kind of innocence in a way that I just want to wrap him up in more blankets. I mean we got to see his backstory and how he turned out because of his experiences. It just made me feel like he needed to be protected is all.

Anyway, I just found out this anime was based on a game. Not sure if my boyfriend told me about that, but yeah, the anime was based on a game. Not sure if I would be able to find the game on PC but I might try to see if I can. This was classified as horror. The anime doesn’t feel like a horror anime, a thriller for sure, and a bit psychological.

Bottom line, we enjoyed the anime. And the soundtrack was not bad. I really like the opening and ending songs for sure. I might consider rewatching the anime just to experience the ending again.

07.21.23 – What Can I Say?

I just marathon’d the 1st season of Temptation Island. By first season, I meant the season that came out in 2019. I did watch the original airing of this show in 2001. Anyway, I enjoy trashy reality TV shows. It makes me laugh and cringe. I like to react to situations that these people put themselves in. And I find it entertaining to see them squirm on the decisions that they made…on TV…where people can see. I am now watching season 2 and these singles both men and women are just on a whole new level. So much drama and toxicity for sure. So much pushing and pressure I feel like, it’s great.

Anyway, I finished reading a series last night! So I crossed out that reading goal for the year. Yay! Progress, regardless of how slow it is. Progress is progress. Anyway, I did enjoy this series a lot. I am not one to talk about the romances that I really enjoy so I think I might do that for this series and make a post about it. Not going to do a post for each book, but as a series, I might create a post for it. We’ll see. I’m still debating.

Now I want to continue on with Lolita. Cross out the “read a classic” goal for this year. I’m not saying that I will push myself to read the book if I found it a lot more difficult to go through it. But we shall see. Reading this book might definitely trigger some things. And that’s okay. I mean, I normally don’t shy away from triggers in the story, I just need to know what I’m getting into. And in this case, I somewhat have an idea of what I might be getting into once I really start diving into this book. Let’s see.

No really big plans tonight. Like I said, I might just read a book since I’ve been really enjoying reading a lot lately. It was a nice escape from my head.