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Daily Archives: September 12, 2023

09.12.23 – Please Be Fall Already.

Well, today is chilly. I wore a sweater this morning. And my feet are freezing as I am typing this, which is definitely a nice change of pace from the heat that we are experiencing. It really needs to be fall already. I want it to be fall already. Like tomorrow.

Anyway, I didn’t read the whole day. I mean, I did. Maybe a couple of paragraphs then allowed myself to be distracted by videos. I know. Horrible of me. Planning on reading tonight though so I am just a little disappointed in myself. I mean, what can I say? I was not in the mood to read earlier. I don’t really like to force myself to read when my brain doesn’t want to.

I was able to hang out a little bit with my man earlier until he lost power in their area. It has been a while. We didn’t watch anything because I was not in the mood to watch anything. So we just decided to catch up since it has been a while since we actually video chatted. My fault. It was good. We might try and watch something on Thursday. If my mood permits it.

Planning on reading tonight though. I’m going to try and read some pages of Craig & Fred. And if that doesn’t work, that means I am not in the mood to read nonfiction right now. And most likely, I would switch it to Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3.