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Daily Archives: August 26, 2023

08.26.23 – Food Coma Hits

Random thought: Why is it called spaghetti western? No, I have not looked it up yet. I heard a booktuber mention it again to describe classic Western movies. I just wanted to put it here so I remember to look it up later. Also, he was talking about Joe Abercrombie and I really need to get to reading his books. Well, there are a lot of authors I need to check out. I mean I have not read any Brandon Sanderson yet and I have the Mistborn trilogy sitting on my shelf.

I’m sluggish today. I want to blame it on food coma. You know what, I’m blaming it on a food coma. Had some tapsilog for brunch before doing some grocery shopping. Got a blended espresso drink before going home. Then passed out when I got home. yeah, definitely food coma. The fact that I didn’t get to sleep until 3 a.m. had nothing to do with it. Purely food coma. And honestly, so much for drinking an espresso drink to keep me awake.

Nothing really planned today. Most likely read. Because I just want to read right now. And write. Those are the only activities that I have energy for at the moment. It’s okay. I’m not complaining.