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Daily Archives: June 19, 2023

06.19.23 – Getting Back Into Things.

I have been feeling sick for a bit. So I was just laying in bed, sleeping, browsing TikTok, watching YouTube videos, rewatching movies, reading manhwa and manhua. But mostly, it was me in bed sleeping.

Chris and I went back to Filcuisine over the weekend and we ordered some new stuff! And they were so good. We were glad that we caught them when they were not busy yet. We were the second dine-in customers. It was nice. They were understaffed and super busy. I felt terrible since they were running around. And the kitchen was also busy with all the online orders. But the food was great. No complaints there.

Since I was feeling a lot better, I decided it was time to go back to working out. I was not able to work out last week aside from that Monday. And this time, my boyfriend joined me! It was fun. Different since we were doing it via Discord. But it was good. I had fun. It was nice working out together. After our cardio, he did his exercise program and I did my weight training while staying on Discord the whole time.

I created a page on my Notion to log my workouts. I mean granted, I could’ve easily used a notebook (which I do have blank notebooks for) to log what I eat and what exercises I did. However, I really do not feel like carrying a notebook or having a notebook right next to me. Why? I went digital for the convenience of it. The only thing that I still use pen and paper for was for journaling.

I felt like I would be sore again. I would not be surprised since I only worked out once last week, on top of not working out in a long time. Also, I found out last week that I needed heavier weights when doing my lower extremity workouts so I increased it today. And yes, I was feeling it on my legs today. Which was good!

Anyway, no big plans tonight. Probably just read. Hopefully a book. Not that I’m complaining about the media I was consuming heavily lately. I just want to actually read a book.