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Daily Archives: May 21, 2023

05.21.23 – Restlessness is a Bitch.

I was not sure what was happening to me, but I have been restless for the past few days. Well, I should say that it’s more pronounced somehow. I was having issues sitting still. I often found myself rocking my chair, I kept on switching from sitting to standing, and I kept on aimlessly browsing the internet. I kept on browsing YouTube for videos. Let’s just say, that it has been interesting. Sure, I drink coffee, but I have caffeine daily, so I found it hard to believe that could be the reason for my restlessness. I mean, it probably doesn’t help it. I just wonder what triggered it.

I am also getting annoyed that my reading progress for Lord of the Flies is slow. My focus kept on wavering. And I had to actively pull it back so that I could actually focus on reading. But also, I find myself getting aggravated by these kids. Not their fault, they were kids after all. But damn, reading about these kids trying to survive and govern themselves was both interesting and painful. The tension between Ralph and Jack. The disrespect Piggy gets from the other kids. The ever-growing fear among the younger kids. And the missed opportunity. I did love the character development that I saw in Ralph. And I just found myself getting more annoyed with Jack. Despite the fact that I am somehow intrigued by the book, I find myself having to take extended breaks each chapter. Hence, the slow progress in my reading this book.

Anyway, I’ve been craving for bread lately. Now, I prefer rice, no surprise there. But lately, I just want to eat bread. So what did I do? I’ve been eating bagels and sandwiches this week. Bread and quinoa salad. I need to find different quinoa salad recipes. For some reason, I always see the same thing. So I need to find some variation because apparently, I am in a quinoa kick.

Plans tonight? Probably read some more. I’ve been on an extended break for maybe an hour now. Well, I guess it will all depend if my tablet has a decent amount of charge at this point. But other than that, I have nothing else planned. I also need to figure out how I can journal comfortably without enough space available to me for writing.