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Daily Archives: April 30, 2023

04.30.23 – Am I Allowed to Say that Today Was Meh?

You know what? It’s fine. I will just say that today was meh. I woke up in such a mood already. Why? I had a very stressful dream. I just remember that there was a lot of running and hiding. Not sure what I was running from. I knew it was some sort of gas permeating the air. And I was in search of a place to hide. And again, I was back in the favorite setting of my dreams. My high school campus. I honestly have no idea why my subconscious enjoys putting me back in that place. For some reason, the dream me decided that hiding in some sort of hostel was a good idea. I was there with three other people. And then as dream me decided to take a shower, I woke up. To say that I was confused was a huge understatement.

Anyway, my day was just laziness overload. Although, I have been reading all afternoon. So that was a thing. Also, my dogs decided to test my patience today. Phoebe was having a rough day today. And she peed practically everywhere in the apartment except on the pee pad. I do not blame her at all. It was just a bit tedious having to mop a few times today. Then Paco decided that it was a good idea to throw up on my bed. The bed sheets are not currently in the washer. Again, I do not blame him. But I just felt like today was an accident on top of the other. It was tiring.

As I stated earlier, I have been reading this afternoon. It has been taking me a while to finish a book lately. Not because I am such a slow reader, but because I started to take notes in Notion about the book and I have been putting sticky notes on some things that I enjoy or not in a chapter. Not full-on annotation. I don’t want to feel like this is a chore or homework. I just felt like, doing this made me more engaged in the story. I don’t really do this in all my readings. Just sometimes when I felt like it.

What else did I do today? Hmmm… Just the regular ol’ chores. But I also watched some YT videos. Well, listened was more of an accurate description. I preferred having background noise while reading. It was something that I picked up before. I could never focus on anything if I did not have background noise. I mean, I grew up in the Philippines, and when I studied I could still hear people from the street. Maybe that was where it stemmed from. Who knows?

HOB Book 2 had me swooning.

Anyway, I’m barely 100 pages in Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2 and I cannot stop smiling. Well, Chapter 1 or I should say 12 according to the book had me laughing, awww-ing, and annoyed. Chapter 2 or 13 had me swooning over Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. I just love this story. There were certain things here that I don’t understand yet and I hope to get some backstory soon. Because oh boy, there were definitely things here that I want some history on.

Plans tomorrow? Clean out the closet some more I think. That was the only concrete plan. But then again, I just wing it these days. So I guess whatever floats my fancy to organize tomorrow. We shall see.