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Daily Archives: March 2, 2023

03.02.23 – What is Up with these Filipino Movies Making Me Cry?

Well today was another day spent with my parents. And honestly, it was fine. My vacation was not for me to see friends and other people, I went to SoCal to visit my folks. So when I said that I was fine just staying at home and spending time with them, I meant it.

Anyway, we just went to do some grocery shopping. We bought some stuff to cook at home. And I ended up cooking them dinuguan since my mom does not like cooking with blood. I mean it was easy. I’ve cooked the dish a few times, and I am glad that my parents liked it.

We also just watched a couple of movies and I liked both of them. I mean, compared to rom-coms, the adult Filipino dramas just hit different. The topic and the conflicts are on a more mature end of things and I appreciate that.

A Faraway Land. This one is good for sure. I liked it. The only thing that I tend to not agree on, is that the “love” is a little bit on the instant end of things. 6 days to fall in love with someone is a bit too soon. Too superficial. You cannot expect a person to leave her husband, her daughter, her life in a foreign land on a simple attraction. Is it realistic? I believe so. The only thing that I do not buy is the love part. Attraction, sure. Love, nah. Not enough time to nurture that.

First Love. Now this! This was just wow. My experience with this movie was good. I mean, I cried! I cried! I smiled, I was giddy. I was heartbroken. This definitely pulled at my heartstrings. This movie just hit me in such a visceral way. Awesome movie. I have no complaints. Well, I guess I have complaints but not about the movie. My parents watched this movie already and I said I have not. So they said “Sure, let’s watch it. It’s a good movie”. I started the movie, and my parents decided to say the huge spoilers of the plot. “Great” was all that I could think of. It did not deter me from enjoying the movie though.

I’ve been reading webtoons sparingly throughout the day. Like I said, I do not want to isolate myself if I read a book. Since the main reason I am on PTO and why I’m in SoCal was to to spend time with my folks. And reading a book would require me to not be present with them.