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Daily Archives: February 27, 2023

02.27.23 – Burger Places and Their Names

Finally! I got to visit In-N-Out for dinner. Did I miss it? Damn right I did. Granted we have Dicks in Washington, but damn, there are moments when I just crave some good ol’ double double. I made a comment to Chris about In-N-Out and Dicks and their special sauces, and I did not realize what I said until she said “You bet LMAO”. I just started laughing and said, “Damn these burger places and their names, with each having its own special sauce”. Again, damn it.

I finished my resume. Well, I guess I should say “finished”. I need to polish the shit out of it. It’s sitting at 3 pages right now. And I need to dial it into two pages. So I need to revise some of my work experiences. I have a few lab places that I am eyeing to apply. And then from there, it would just be aggressively applying all over the place not healthcare related. I need a job soon. The 31st is coming up quickly.

Anyway, I did not get the chance to read today or last night. Yeah, I’ve been slacking. No bueno. I did laundry today. And then watched another Filipino movie with my parents. We also watched some Filipino variety shows.

So Connected. Well this is cute. I mean I like the movie enough. Mainly discussing the harm of being in social media and going viral for the wrong reasons. The two MCs became viral for negative ways. Different ways but still the consequences were horrible. They were basically filmed doing something, some people uploaded the videos, people in turn found their personal accounts, stole their privated photos, created memes, and harassed them in their socials. But honestly, the thing that really bugged me was the catfishing the male MC did to get the female MC to like him by using some kind of cloud-based storage system. The female MC bought the stolen phone of the male MC without knowing that the storage was in there. So any videos and photos that she might have taken for herself can also be viewed by the original owner of the phone. Bothersome.

Anyway, planning on reading tonight. And I mean it! I need to read! Tweak my resume more tomorrow and apply to two jobs and see how those go. And tweak my resume more to make it more non-healthcare friendly.