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Daily Archives: January 4, 2023

01.04.23 – I Want a Job that Pays Me for Sleeping

I really have nothing to say today. Work was a bitch – like always. And I was a bit busy in the morning but I just took it easy in the afternoon. Translation: I lazy’d it up in the afternoon. Cause why not.

I did read a few chapters of The Laughing Corpse last night, I could not help but laugh at how Anita begrudgingly tried on this pink puffy bridesmaid’s dress for her friend’s wedding. It did remind me of my bridesmaid phase. Jesus, I’m glad that’s over. I mean seriously shedding over $100 for a dress that you would never again, a dress that you do not even like. Yeah, it’s painful. But you do it anyway because the person who asked you to be part of the wedding is pretty special. Yeah, I’m glad those days are over. I keep forgetting how graphic this series is. We did get some graphic description in the first book. But barely three chapters into this second installment and I already got thrown into a murder scene – the gore. The description. And my imagination is pretty vivid. I was surprised that I did not throw up just picturing that scene.

Of course, I am planning on reading tonight before I go to sleep. I think there are some new episodes that came out for the webtoons that I am reading. So I want to knock those out, and then I would read some more of The Laughing Corpse. I would like to read a lot more chapters tonight compared to what I did last night but I do need to get some sleep too. We shall see, if the chapters are good, there is no way I will stop reading. I remember when I read this series the first time – years ago, I was up all night reading. I think I was up reading until 3 AM. I am not going to read that late though, I mean I am not young anymore. So there is no way I can stay up when I know I have work the next day – if I can help it anyway.

Tomorrow is already Thursday, thank goodness. I do not know why that place sucks the life out of me. Something is always broken or leaking! The roof in the corner of the lab where my station still leaks. There is still a leak in the kitchen. And now the water heater under the sink is leaking. And that roof leak in the kitchen and in the lab will be worse since it will be raining for the next six days. So yay. Eh whatever.