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Daily Archives: June 13, 2022

06.13.22 – Back to Back Meetings are the Worst

I am not a fan of meetings in general, but what’s worse? Back-to-back meetings when I do not even have the time to do a bio break. Yeah, no thank you. But this company just likes to do back-to-back meetings. It gets annoying to be honest. Anyway, moving on.

Got to hang out with my love today after work. We caught up first since we did not hang out yesterday. We ended up just watching a movie after – The Lost City. We enjoyed it. Sure there were some cheesy parts, but I am not complaining – I love the cheese. Daniel Radcliffe did really well with his character, Fairfax. Of course, Brad Pitt was also in the movie – so gorgeous. The only thing that I wish is that they should not have dumbed down Channing Tatum’s character. I feel like it was not needed for the movie, to be honest. 

I am going to try and read tonight. I tried reading yesterday while my hun was hanging out with his friends, but I could not focus. Three sentences in and my attention wandered – reading was a no-go yesterday. So I will try tonight, see if my attention does not waver.