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Daily Archives: May 17, 2022

05.17.22 – I am Not a Morning Person

I mean, I think I’ve been pretty open about my hate for mornings. And what I hate even more about mornings? Having to be at work an hour earlier because people decided that a meeting should be scheduled that early. I hate going to the office knowing that I would need to be in a meeting minutes after I turn off the security alarm. And that’s a normal day! This morning was rough. And tomorrow morning will be rough as well.

I was tired most of the day. Tomorrow, I will need to stop by to get coffee.

I went to the MD after work today. It was just a check up with my allergy/asthma doctor. I did tell her that my allergies have been really flaring up lately…And she said she was not surprised. My environmental allergies. She said tree pollen is bad right now. She also said, that my biggest environmental allergens are dog and cat dander. And then she asked if I have dogs. Of course I do! She just told me to keep the dogs away from my face. I just smiled. Because that may be a bit difficult.

My hun and I watched Leap Year with Amy Adams and Matthew Goode. It was charming. And my love said that I like my cheesy rom coms. And I was like, yes I do! We then watched another episode of Bob’s Burgers. We just finished season 11 episode 4. We are catching up albeit slowly. I think there are only 12 seasons, so we almost there.

I’m planning on reading a bit before sleeping if I don’t pass out first. I feel like I might be too tired. My head is feeling heavy. But this book is very fast paced. I feel like there is always something happening to Forrest in every chapter.

Spoiler Alert

Forrest is now in space…With a male ape and a woman named Major Fritch.

End of Spoiler

I think that’s it for today.