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Daily Archives: May 15, 2022

05.15.22 – Weekends End Way Too Soon

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only who feels this right? RIGHT? I’m done complaining, I think the last few posts made it clear how much I hate weekdays.

Today has been lazy. Well I’ve been lazy. I did not want to do anything but I did force myself to do the stuff that I needed to do. Folded laundry. Washed dishes. Threw away trash. It has been raining all day as well which I love. One of the real reasons why I moved to the Pacific Northwest, Southern California is just too damn hot and dry.

Remember when I said that my brain has been plagued with thoughts of fried eggs? Yeah, I gave in this morning. I scrambled some egg yolks. I’m allergic to egg whites. It was different. It’s definitely flatter compared to I decided to leave the egg whites in there. But I’ll take it. I’ll probably have some more again when I get the craving for eggs again.

My hun and I hung out again today. Just got off a while ago. We watched John Wick. Well, rewatch for the both us. I remember loving the movie but I did forget what the movie was about. I did remember some parts but not the full movie. So I’m glad I got to watch it again, this time enjoying the movie with him. He says it’s one of his favorite movies so I’m really happy that we got to enjoy the movie together.

We also watched episodes 2 and 3 of The Dropout. I will never forgive the decisions made by the CEO of the company. I’m sorry. I just cannot on principle. I will never accept it. There was no excuse. I know we are still pretty early on the series but I read the book, watched the documentaries about it. I just cannot.

We watched episodes 3 to 5 of House MD season two. I really love the show. I mean, as long as there are no unnecessary story arcs, I would be okay. My hun said we can skip some episodes if I get annoyed like what we did with the Vogler episodes.

I feel like this is a short post. Not really surprised, nothing was really going on today. Just regular lazy weekend things. My allergies are also pretty bad. It’s been pretty bad lately to be honest. My throat has been itchy, my neck, my scalp and sometimes my chest. My eyes have been swollen for a few weeks now. And my T-zone is red. I have an appointment with my asthma/allergy MD this week so hopefully she can suggest something.