2022 Reading Recap

How was my reading in 2022? I guess it’s time for a quick recap.

Let me, I read a total of 41 items. This total is a combination of novels, manga, and webtoons. Yes, I am counting webtoons. And honestly, if I ever get my hand on fanfiction this year, I will count it. Why? The answer is simple – I took the time to read it. So those will be counted. I read a total of 6,149 pages for 2022. This page count did not take into account webtoons. The medium does not have page counts – yes, I know, I need to track webtoons better.

The months where I read the most were October, November, and December. I discovered webtoons and manhwas in October. And I had weeks and days that those were the only things that consumed. No shame though. I enjoyed them immensely. I only put the completed webtoons and manhwas on my tracker. I need to make sure that I capture the ones that are still work in progress for this year. How am I going to do that? I have no idea. But I shall figure that out.

49% of what I read were webtoons/manhwa, followed by novels. And a lot of the stories I read in that format were Boys Love – so this genre was my most read at 49%. This genre was followed by Yaoi at 15%. I know, why not just combine them – I tend to associate Yaoi with Japanese manga. I don’t know, I’m debating if I should just merge them for 2023. Most likely.

I am not one to set a number of books to read in a year kind of person, 2023 is no different. I do not need added pressure to read more. I just want to enjoy whatever I read. I do want to read a bit more nonfiction and some classics as well. One thing is for sure though, I want to make sure to pick up 1984 and The Count of Monte Cristo this year. 

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