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Daily Archives: December 2, 2019

On Being Thankful

Well, Thanksgiving came and went. This was our second Thanksgiving in Washington. Much like last year, Chris and I decided to celebrate the holiday with the just each other. But we agreed that we would lessen the food that we make – we went overboard last year, definitely prepared food for more that two people, to say we got carried away was an understatement.

So for this year, we decided to skip on the ham and turkey, we chose ribeye steaks. And that meat was beautiful… We had some asparagus, stuffing, and green bean casserole. Normally, I would be the one in the kitchen cooking but this year, Chris decided that she wanted to cook all the dishes. And so she did. She slaved in the kitchen while I lost myself in Christmas romance movies – because why not?

Pan Fried Steak

We both preferred our steaks rare, and she made a damn good job cooking those ribeyes to perfection. I’d like to share her process but I honestly don’t know how, grilling and cooking meat is her forte not mine. So I was more than happy to let her rule the kitchen for Thanksgiving.

Simple Thanksgiving Table

We didn’t decorate – we are not decorators and we believe that we can celebrate without the trappings of the holiday. So we just laid the dishes as simple as we liked. And dug in. Pretty simple Thanksgiving dinner for the both of us. It was a pretty relaxed dinner for sure. And my introverted loner heart sang.

There are things that I need to be thankful for. A new job. A promotion. My family who has been supportive with every decisions I made and continue to make. Friends that regardless the distance are still there when I need to reach out and talk. My dogs who give me cuddles and I can always count on to make me feel better after a stressful day. And of course, Chris. For loving me for who I am and being patient with me always. Four years together and she still chooses to stay with me even though I can be the most difficult person in the world. And for choosing to slave in the kitchen to cook us a bomb Thanksgiving dinner though she had been awake all night because she had to work.