12.30.22 – Suggestive Language Cracks Me Up

Work was no fun. It was so slow today. But also, I really should not complain. We had a lot of downtimes, which was fine. It was the last workday of the year. So, honestly, it was all good.

Anyway, I had to stop by McDonald’s on the way home. I was craving some fries and a quarter pounder with cheese. Sure I added some more salt to the fries, and I dipped the burger in buffalo sauce, but what can I say, it hit the spot. 

I got home and decided to watch Blown Away. It’s a glass-blowing competition. I remember watching Season 1 a while back and enjoyed it a lot. Then I think the series went on hiatus and I forgot about it. Then it came up on my recommendation recently and saw that they have 3 seasons available now so why not watch it? I rewatched season one and I forgot how suggestive glass-blowing can be. With my one-track mind and maybe a little bit of a cultured brain – yes I laugh every time the artists say “blow please” or “glory hole”. Yeah, I can be immature at times but it just cracks me up. I had a couple of favorites – Alexander and Janusz. Alex finished 3rd and Janusz got to the finals and lost to Deborah. My favorite creation from Alex? His “Disappointment in the Tropics” creation for the 8th challenge. My favorite creation from Janusz? His hairbrush creation for the pop art challenge. It was just so visually striking. So perfect.

After that, I was just browsing trailers for hours! And now I am about to read some more Guilty Pleasures. Yes, I am planning on staying up late tonight, I mean I have no work tomorrow. I just need to go to the store and then cook and do my laundry. But that’s about it.

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