12.26.23 – Catch-Up

Hello. How are you? I am okay if you are interested. Life got in the way. Good news: I finally have a job. I started feeling the financial pressure around September. But the good news came in mid-ish October that I got the job I felt excited for. I am pretty sure you can imagine my relief after I got the news. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I also found myself in a non-writing mood. I have not been able to journal at all. Much less post anything on here, which is fine. I am not about to berate myself for it. My moods go up and down. And the daily posting kind of burned me out. But I also found it hard to share anything when there is nothing to share.

Aside from the new job, my free time has been consumed by looking at apartments. Because yes, I am planning on moving to a bigger space. With a hybrid position, I need an actual workspace at home. The setup that I am doing currently is less than ideal. It works at the moment. However, I am already annoyed having to disconnect my laptop to hook up my work laptop and vice versa. Take note that I’ve only been doing this for a couple of months and I’m already complaining. Not good.

I was finally able to resume hangout time with my partner. With my mental health in shambles for about six months, I isolated myself. Just embraced the depression and anxiety that took over me. And I need to work on it. Not to shut him off – anyone for that matter – and at least just let him know that I am doing okay. Again, I will continue working on this. Long distance is difficult enough, I don’t need to add more pressure on top of the distance and time zone difference.

I am also trying to get back into routine. Keyword: trying. Some stuff needs to be reshuffled since 40 hours a week have been blocked off for work. To be honest, I am struggling to reshuffle since I have no motivation to do things. However, I know it needs to be done. And so it will be done…eventually. And with that, I hope to post a bit more often here. It might still not be daily, but something – targeting a couple of times a week. I am also trying to get back to reading novels. Not that reading webtoons is not good. But I have three novels on my desk right now that I need to continue with.

Oh! My life has been consumed with watching true crime docuseries lately. I am not surprised whatsoever. My moods and interests cycle through and I guess my brain likes to consume these kinds of content right now. So that was that.

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