12.12.22 – I was Seething with Annoyance

I was pretty disconnected at work today. My hun asked if I was scatterbrained. I teased him of course and said, Me? Scatterbrained? The nerve. And I think I got him flustered because he started explaining that he only meant to say that my brain is everywhere. Not that I can’t formulate a thought. And tonight, he mentioned it again that he really hoped that I didn’t take offense. I just smiled and told him I was teasing. Honestly, I have no idea how to describe how I was at work earlier today. The closest I can get to a description is that I was disconnected.

Anyway, we got to watch some anime again today. Same three that we are consuming. 

Moriarty the Patriot. We were finally on episode 18 – The Merchant of London. I’ve been waiting for him to see this episode. Because it was…something. And I was delighted to watch his reactions to the episode. The gasps, the disbelief, the amazement. Yes. It was worth the wait. This also showed how ruthless William can be even as a kid. So smart, that he knows how to play the game.

Castlevania. My hun called me out. He said I was feeling super protective over Adrian. And definitely feeling some jealousy. I mean I admit it. I was not happy seeing the twins all over him. Laughing with him. Oh My God, the subtle flirting. My ears were red with annoyance. I want to reach over the screen and just grab them off of him. But of course, I cannot so I just sat here seething. My prediction remains, the twins will TRY to kill Adrian. Especially now that he has been letting his walls down. My hun says they are not twins apparently, he just calls them twins. And I was like, I will just call them twins ’cause what else would I call them? Snakes?  Anyway, Lenore is doing a good job of manipulating Hector. I only hope that Hector is just playing the part, just doing this to make the best out of a bad situation kind of thing. Because from where I am standing, I feel like she has him eating at the palm of her hand. 

The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting. Did I say that this anime is just so wholesome? If not, well, let me say it – THIS ANIME IS WHOLESOME. It’s just the sweetest thing. I teared up when Aoi left the Sakuragi family to protect his new family. It was nice seeing how Toru has changed so much. I love how gentle he is with Yaeka. He is such a sweetheart. And I love the fact that Yaeka is starting to open up to other kids. Sure, she will never be as extroverted as her friend, Sara, and that’s fine. She can enjoy being introverted with her other friend Kaede, who also feels like an introverted kid. I still think that Sugihara is precious. He could be a softie but damn he can switch to someone so ruthless as well. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised, he works with Toru directly. 

I’m thinking of cooking some beef nilaga tomorrow after work. It’s been really cold here so something warm and hearty would be nice.

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