11.30.22 – People can be a Pain

The drive today to work was stressful. First, I had to clear the snow off my car. It took a while. But you know, safety for other drivers out there. I don’t want any snow/ice flying from my room to hit their windshields. Then once that is cleared, the next hurdle was the branches that were in the middle of the parking lot. That wasn’t too bad since someone tried to put them on the side already. Then on the right of the parking lot, a tree fell on top of three cars. Once my car was out of the apartment complex, I had to drive slowly to the main road, where again a tree fell. Apparently, it was pretty windy the night before. Anyway, as I got to the main road, I got to deal with people driving fast on icy ground, no traffic lights, drivers not stopping for crossing pedestrians, and people who apparently forgot how to do a 4-way stop when the lights are not working. It was stupid. And I was annoyed.

Anyway, work was pretty chill. Nothing too much happened there. I was in a 2-hr meeting earlier today but that was about it. So that was nice. We left early just because I was very scared of driving in a very bad weather forecast. And I just feel safer if we go home with the light still out. The traffic was fine, and was able to get gas on the way home. 

After that, Chris and I just settled to watch the last two episodes of Wednesday. Have I raved about this series already? If not, YES – this show was just really good. From the story, to the acting, to the curve balls. It kept us guessing who is doing what. We would have a theory and the show just always threw us off track! Netflix better releases a Season 2. This series was very well received by consumers and critically acclaimed as well. I was not happy that there were only eight episodes! 

Then we tried to watch an episode of Let’s Eat, a Thai comedy – I think – about Thai food. Well, we didn’t finish the first episode. Because we just don’t know how to feel about it. It definitely was nothing like the Korean Let’s Eat. Now that one was worth it. There was just so much going on in the first episode already. It was like there was no coherent storyline. Not to mention, I got annoyed with the calorie-counting female MC. I cannot. I thought she was rude. Chris said that she was just hungry. And I said, well that was her fault! She was one of those annoying neighbors – who will knock on your door three different times in one night because that’s just how petty she is. I’m sorry but knocking on your neighbor’s door to tell him to move his car because one of the rear wheels of his car was on the line, then him fixing his parking for her car, only for her to say that she does not have a car. The fuck. I cannot. After that, I was just like, yeah no.

Chris and I also watched the first two episodes of Dead to Me. This series has been on my radar so I’m happy that I got to start watching it. It definitely deals with grief and how people deal with it differently. But this show is just crazy. And I am enjoying it. From a stalker ex-girlfriend, to a widow taking note of every car with front damage so she can give it to the police to check. Yeah – will definitely continue with this one.

The weather tomorrow will decide if I will come onsite to work or just work from home. We shall see. We are still on the winter weather advisory. Looks like we have snow showers early tomorrow morning. But we shall see how bad it is when I check my car tomorrow morning.

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