11.03.23 – Another Lazy Day? Yes.

I mean, I did do some errands earlier today so that was good. But I did feel really tired and kept on yawning the whole day even though I was sipping on coffee pretty much the whole day. All good. All good. I did receive the itinerary of the training on Monday. So that was good. However, the fact that I had to email the manager to get that information was a bit weird. But I am excited to start my new role though. I was able to hang out with my hun today. And we just watched one movie today.

V for Vendetta (2006). I was finally able to watch this movie! Not for the lack of trying! I tried years ago, but I fell asleep and never picked it up again. Okay, full transparency, the first part of this movie dragged for me. The plot was moving too slowly for my liking. The movie picked up for me when the connections were being revealed. It is a good revenge story. I enjoyed it for the most part. However, I did tell my partner that I think I would’ve preferred reading this as a novel instead of watching the movie. I know, there’s no novel so that would never happen. Regardless, I love a good revenge plot, and this movie delivered.

No big plans tonight. Just relaxing. I do have a headache right now. It could be anything really. Most likely just being in front of the computer the whole day or I could be dehydrated. I don’t think I drank enough water today. So I will do just that. I will try to read some more of Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6 while listening to a podcast. I am almost done with it. I am too excited to start reading HOB Vol 7 already.

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