11.01.23 – This Year Went By Fast.

I cannot believe it’s already November. I don’t know where this year went. But it went by too fast for my liking. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were told that we would be laid off. And that was during the first quarter of 2023, so yeah. Too quick.

Anyway, today was still not a good day. I was feeling sick. My body is still recuperating from sleepless nights. Last night was a bit better. I was able to sleep at a somewhat decent time. I had a good six hours of sleep. However, something unfortunate happened this morning. My phone fell on my lips and now, it’s swollen. And it bled this morning. Oh well. As my hun said, I am dangerous.

I’m glad to say that Phoebe is a lot better now. She slept the whole night and was pretty much in her normal mood the whole day. Her naps throughout the day were also longer compared to the last few days. Thank goodness because I am at my wit’s end.

Any plans tonight? Not much. I do have a migraine so I might just curl in bed. And most likely read a bit since I have not really read in a hot minute. So I would like to read a few pages from Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol 6. I am enjoying the backstory right now, since it does reveal some connections on why Hua Cheng did the things he did and why his biggest fear is being unable to do anything but watch his beloved suffer. The backstory is breaking my heart of course. But I felt such satisfaction when Xie Lian started cursing. Because that is such a visceral reaction to something you can’t control. And yes, I am emotional reading these pages. And I still have a long way to go before this rollercoaster of a backstory is over.

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