10.03.22 – When My Brain is too Sleepy to Function

Today was a meh. Well, everyday is a meh for me. Especially lately. Nothing really happened at work. Which was fine. I prefer it that way despite of being bored out of my mind. I finally finished given volume 1. And yes, I could’ve finished that faster but I was rationing the chapters, to be honest. 

Anyway, I was able to journal earlier today. It was nice since the last time I opened my journal was in July. Yes, I was slacking on that end too. Not good. I mean journaling has been an outlet for me. But in line with how unmotivated I have been lately, it makes sense that I have not been able to pick up a pen and write. I need to change that. Journaling has been a very therapeutic activity for me. So I need to do it more.

Same with reading. I need to do it more. The fact that I have not been able to make time to actually pick up a book and just read is depressing. The last time that I actually read for more than an hour was when I was visiting my love. And we were both reading before bed. Reading to me is an escape. There is nothing more I would like to do than get lost in the stories I read. And hopefully I can get back to it.

My hun and I did not get to hang out today. No power in his area. I was planning on reading tonight but that did not happen. Chris heard me play the movie Hook and she sat next to me. So we just ended up watching together. It was all good though. I enjoyed rewatching the movie. I would like to read a few pages before sleeping tonight. 

I was annoyed at myself this morning. Why? I planned of waking up at 2 AM and do some certification classes but alas, my sleep fogged brain just did not want to wake up. And yes, I had an alarm set for 2 AM and then again at 3 AM. But yeah, it did not happen for me. I will try again tomorrow early morning. I might need coffee to function at work though. But we shall see. My hun is definitely worried about me being too tired to drive. And I did promise him that if I feel like I am too tired to drive to and from work because of the early morning start, I will have to adjust my wake up time.

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