09.08.23 – The Struggle Was Real.

I was struggling this week. I found myself sleepy, tired, and exhausted. I was fighting to stay awake. It didn’t matter if I was sitting or standing. I was fighting to keep my eyes open. All I did was yawn all day. That was frustrating, to be honest. Why? Well, I was getting some decent hours of sleep on a daily. I had no excuse. I had no reason to be this tired. The thing that sucked though was that once it was time to go to bed and sleep, I would be wide awake regardless of whether I took a nap during the day. Yeah, my sleep schedule has been nonexistent lately. Not that a schedule was necessary at the moment. I had nothing going on in the daytime anyway.

I was finally able to finish Lolita. It took a while. And I did take a break from it. Not the book’s fault. I was having some focus issues last month and I had to put the reading of this novel on hold for a bit. But it was done. I was glad that I read it. It was a good, solid read. My main complaint really was having to look for translations of a lot of French phrases sprinkled on the pages. It really did take me out of the reading experience. The next one that I was planning on reading would be Craig & Fred. Again, I had to put reading this nonfiction on hold as well. Focus issues. So I will be continuing with this one. I read a couple of chapters already before I placed this one on hold, so I would just be picking up where I left off. Not going to lie though, the daily reading schedule and goal that I made for myself helped a lot with my finishing Lolita.

Not planning on doing anything today. I just want to chill and read. I don’t have a social life really. My hobbies are pretty solitary, which reflects my personality really well. Besides, I am in a constant bubble of tiredness and sleepiness. So I would be fighting to not stay awake as well.

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