09.03.23 – Late Start Day.

I didn’t wake up until 11 AM. You would think that was me sleeping in. But no. I didn’t really sleep until 5:30 AM. So, as much as I want to say I had a good night’s rest, I did not. I really need to stop taking naps in the afternoons. It messes up my “sleep schedule”. It’s practically nonexistent at this point. I don’t need to ruin it even more.

I did finish reading book 3 of the Haven City series early today. So my nonexistent sleep schedule came in clutch with my “one more chapter” mantra last night. I barely started the 4th book today. All good. All good. To help me finish my other books, I had to schedule them on my reading calendar. I mean, technically, I am not sure if penciling them in would help me go through the books. But I need to get on with them. They are just currently sitting on my bed. Staring at me accusingly.

And no big plans tonight. I really just want to read tonight. However, I need to make sure that I sleep at a decent time! I am going back to my regular schedule activities starting tomorrow after a couple of months of just being a potato. So just read a little tonight, sleep before midnight, and then wake up at a decent hour tomorrow.

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