08.29.23 – Jump Scare Triggered Anxiety.

This is what happens when I decide to watch a different movie. I got engaged and invested in the movie, then a jump scare came on, I jumped, hit my hand on a table, and then the rash manifested. Then came the itchiness. The itchiness took over my body. To my back, to both my arms, face, and scalp. Let’s just say it was a very rough morning.

The movie in question? The Lost World: Jurassic Park. I think I watched this movie before, but of course, I have no recollection whatsoever. Hence, the jump scare. Not going to lie, I liked Jurassic Park but I enjoyed the sequel more. Not that the first movie was not fun to watch. It was interesting. It introduced genetics and cloning. But the second movie explored human greediness more. And I found that more interesting. Anyway, I plan on watching the third movie, I’m just not sure when.

I have been stuck watching S.W.A.T. the whole afternoon. I am about halfway done with Season 2. I am enjoying the show a lot. I am at the edge of my seat for some episodes. Sweaty palms and all that. Some episodes are definitely more intense than others. It is safe to say that I am going to marathon this show until I’m done with all the episodes available.

And since I have been stuck watching this show, I have not been able to read this afternoon. So much for plans to finish book 2 of the series that I’m reading. Still plan on finishing the book tonight or tomorrow. But I need to make sure that I am actually taking the time to read and not just glued in bed getting lost

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