08.26.22 – When My Brain Refuses to Come Up with a Title

Nothing really exciting happened today. I was pretty tired the whole day. I was falling asleep at work as early as 8:30 AM. My guess is the excitement from yesterday. Like I said yesterday, after the fire alarm event, I was pretty amped and did not get to sleep until super late that night. Same with the dogs. It was really difficult to close my eyes when I know my geriatric dog was moving around the apartment and refused to lay down on her bed.

As I said earlier, nothing really note-worthy happened at work. It was the same shit different day kind of thing. I started listening to romance at work again. This time I can actually pay attention and not get too distracted. And I think I was blushing at some parts of the book. Well, I mean it’s that kind of romance so yeah. But to the people who knows what type of romance I like to read then they would understand why I blush from time to time.

My hun is doing a double today so hanging out was a no-go. Might as well, since I barely left the bed since I got home. I only stood up to feed the dogs, drink my medicine, and wash up for bed. Aside from that, I was just rolling around the bed. Finding a comfortable position. 

It sucks when you’re body wants to sleep but your mind does not want to. I want to just sleep. But my mind is just telling me, “It’s Friday night for crying out loud. Stay up for change.” And my brain is definitely fighting the urge to sleep. I want to read. But also, I know when I start reading I would end up reading the one sentence over and over. I always had a problem with focusing when my brain is like this. 

Tomorrow morning will be busy for me – an appointment early in the morning and some errands to do. I am hoping that my love can hang out with me in the afternoon though. I know he wants to hang out with his friend on Sunday for a bit. So we shall see how this weekend pans out.

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