08.11.23 – Another TV Show Invades the Silence

Ah, this is what happens when you have a lot of time on your hands. What? I was stuck in bed the whole day nursing a headache. And spent the entire day in a browsing loop on whatever streaming service I have on the TV. And landed on a new show that surprisingly is actually making me laugh.

Not Dead Yet. I mean what is not to enjoy about a writer getting her life together, assigned writing obituaries…Catch? She sees and talks to the people she writes about. It’s a riot. The show is called Not Dead Yet. And it’s based on a novel called Confessions of a Forty-Something F*ck Up. Yeah. I had to stop myself from buying the book right now. I need to wait. I have way too many books to read right now.

How I Met Your Father. I also finished watching How I Met Your Father. Yes, I also marathon’d the two seasons. Because you know, why not. Robin and Barney did cameos. Honestly, I enjoyed it. It was not the same as the original but I’m okay with this spin-off. It made me laugh. It still has the classic will they won’t they trope.

I finished a book last night. And I think that was the reason why I had a headache the whole day. Whatever. The book was fine. A lot of typos for sure. It could have benefited with some minor editing but I enjoyed this story. I definitely think it was better than book one. I just started reading book three, we shall see how I get to enjoy that one. Hopefully, it would be good. I mean like I said, I enjoyed the second book compared to the first one.

Any big plans tonight? Read some more. What else can I do? Not like I have a job to wake up for right now.

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