08.09.22 – I Cannot Think of a Title, Oh Well

So, there will be an EHS audit at work tomorrow. Am I nervous? Not really. I am more annoyed that I have to wear actual pants tomorrow and not my usual tights and shorts combo. Damn. But other than that, I would really like to hear their recommendations on improving the lab.

Anyway, I started reading Howl’s Moving Castle the other day. This book has been sitting on my bookshelf, and I tried reading it before but I wasn’t in the mood for it at that time. My hun and I watched the movie last weekend and I decided that now is the time to pick it up. So I did.

I am still pretty early in the book but there are already some differences between the two mediums. That’s okay though. Creative liberties and all that. These differences don’t really turn me off in the slightest. So I will continue reading.

In line with me starting a different book, I had to put down Lamb. My attention is waning from that book. I know I’ll get back to it at some point. But not right now. I have a few books on my nightstand at the moment that I have started reading but have not picked up again. Yeah, that pile is getting larger.

I feel a bit tired right now though. My eyes want to close for some reason. I am sitting in front of the computer right now and I really shouldn’t be feeling this tired. It’s only 7:30 pm for crying out loud. I am such an old lady.

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