08.08.23 – Consumed by Trashy Reality TV Shows

You know, I spent today doing nothing productive. Well, technically I did things. Like daily chores and throwing the trash. But that was it. This is what happens when you’re ass is unemployed. Sure, there are minutes in a day that where you wallow in self pity and some self doubt, but the rest of time? You don’t do shit.

I know, I should be doing something productive and for the most part I did well during the beginning of this situation. But right now, my brain decided that it wants to do nothing. So, I decided to indulge it. Who am I to deny the organ that makes this body run of what it really craves to do?

Anyway, besides melting on my bed, I have been really into rewatching movies right now. I rewatched the Scream franchise because why not. I mean I always have some logistical questions about the movie. You know, this killer is too short to that, not enough leverage kind of thing. However, these “mistakes” do not take my enjoyment out of the movies. Ghostface is still my favorite slasher villain. Perfect who-done-it.

Also, I have been consumed by reality TV shows. Well, just one right now – Love Island. A reality TV show that brings me back to when I was forbidden to watch them by a controlling exboyfriend. I get the glee on watching how these people ruin their relationships by going to an island to meet with singles. “Oh my boyfriend cheated on me multiple times, I’ll take him to temptation island.” This goes vice versa of course. Boyfriends sometimes choose to bring their girlfriends on there.

The reasons were always “oh we want to make sure that we want to be with each other” or “I want to make sure that I can trust him/her” or “I want to make sure we’re taking the correct next step”. Some couples choose boundaries, some people don’t. But once the couples separate to their own respective villas to party it up with the singles, that is when the real entertainment starts. Well that and the bonfires and the reactions of these people seeing their significant others flirting it up. It’s great.

What is the actual pull though? I mean, I would never do it. So I am living vicariously through these people who are in a beautiful island (it’s Hawaii) and partying it up. Sure it’s at the expense of their relationship but I love seeing how these people make decisions after decisions that would incriminate themselves at the bonfire.

That make me sounds like I’m bored with my life. Well, right now I am. I am for the most part not doing anything. So yeah, picture me bored and enjoying the streaming services that I have available to me.

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