08.07.23 – Found a New BookTuber!

Well, I still have no motivation. I mean, no surprise there. However, I did laundry, which I have not done in a while. I consider this a win! Honestly, I was just thankful that I have enough clothes to use and that I could survive without doing laundry for a bit.

The big-ticket items on my list are still pending. I still have no motivation to do such things. And oddly, I am okay with that. I know that I would get to do them in time. Eventually.

However, despite the non-motivation of doing anything, I was able to finish Hi, Anxiety. It was a good memoir. Of course, it was a very timely read for me. So that was good. I’m currently debating on reading another nonfiction. I’m kind of in a kick so I kind of want to take advantage of it. I am still reading Lolita and Adrenaline Rush. Those books just took a backseat when I picked up Hi, Anxiety.

Hey, I also found a new BookTuber to follow – Ian Gubeli! It’s pretty difficult to find someone new on YT. This guy just started uploading last month and he only has about 10-ish vods up. Yeah, pretty fresh. I found a video he uploaded today on my recommended videos. And he made me want to reread It by Stephen King. I would think about it. Or just pick up one of the other Stephen King books I have sitting on the shelf. Who knows? I refuse to decide right now.

Any plans tonight? I would be reading. That has been my MO for the last few weeks. And I’m okay with that.

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