08.07.22 – Something Needs to Change

Pressure. Stress. Anxiety. Yeah, like I said yesterday, I feel like I’m a ticking time bomb. Regardless, I am still trying to make my life as normal as possible. 

First things first – I need to create a data scientist resume. I know I am not confident with my skills and that is okay but I just need to start doing something to further my career. I keep complaining that I’m bored and I need a new challenge but I’m really not doing anything to remedy that. I need to start somewhere. This is the first step.

Second – find a place where I can apply. Do I have dreams of working for big tech companies? Not necessarily. But I do have dreams of getting out of where I am at now and moving on with an actual desk job that challenges my brain for once. 

Third – I need to start learning python for real. Not procrastinate on it anymore. I am done with being lazy. 

Fourth – find a nighttime job. Remote ideally. Looking at some data analyst jobs right now. Or even a contract job to be honest. Since I just want to get a foot in the door. Build some experience. Extra income I should say. It might not be for the long run but at least for right now, I can do this.

I have to do this. I need to do this. I need to get my life on track. These things are controllable. These things are under my control. So for something to change, I need to step up.

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