07.23.23 – Nap is My Best Friend.

I feel so tired feeling that I don’t have privacy. And that’s because I don’t. I have my computer set up in the common area and I am not happy that I don’t have a personal space. So yeah, I am desperate for a new place right now. Of course, that is not plausible at the moment. But that will be at the back of my brain until it is time to move again. But for now, I will keep on dreaming.

Anyway, I woke up with my right arm hurting. I think I slept on it but I don’t know since I woke up on my left side. So for the whole day, I have a pain relief patch on my arm. Because why not? Also, it’s hot, making me not want to move and just be in bed and sleep. Which I did. I actually took a nap. Also, Paco was just too cute and made me sleepy. So that happened in the afternoon.

I had to take a raincheck hanging out with my man. We did hang out yesterday, which was good. We did end up watching a couple of movies. We finally finished the Twilight series. We watched Breaking Dawn Part 2. Out of the five movies, he did prefer the Breaking Dawn movies. His reaction to the climax of the part 2 movie. And it was great. He did that surprised laugh. Which I was expecting. And then pretty much, he just couldn’t stop laughing when Aro changed his tune.

We tried watching Hell Baby. 30 minutes in, we just decided to give up on it. It was too painful to watch. It was pretty bad. He wanted to watch Idiocracy. He didn’t like it. I found it okay. I mean I laughed at some parts. It was cringy in some parts. I mean, the premise was interesting. But honestly, I mean I think it was just not executed well. The premise was really interesting. I don’t know, I mean obviously, they went for a more comedic route on this. However, I feel like this would’ve been better as a more serious piece. You know, that piece that will make you think and will live in your head rent-free after you watch it. Oh well.

Today was a slow day, I just cooked chicken adobo with coconut milk. It’s funny since I never had it before so I am not sure how it would turn out or how it should taste. Surprisingly, it turned out good! But next time, I think I would add some ginger and Thai chili peppers just to give the flavor a bit more depth.

Any plans tonight? Read. I haven’t picked up a book since the other day, so I want to do that tonight. I was planning on doing that this afternoon, but I took a nap. So tonight it is.

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