07.20.23 – Cherry on Top.

This week was tough. Someone decided that it was fine to steal my dog’s food that got delivered this morning. Who the heck steals dog food? Like what the actual fuck? I’m just not having a good week – well, weeks really. I am in a really bad headspace. With some things going on in my life, I felt like the stolen package was just the cherry on top of a very rough week. Whatever.

I caved in and had pizza for dinner. I had no appetite the whole day. Dealing with the stolen package and that. I just didn’t want to think about what to cook. On top of that, it’s freaking hot here. So my temper was not really in a good place either. So I just ended up getting some pizza delivered. And I had no regrets. I threw calorie counting out the window today. Nope. I needed comfort food. And pizza was comfort food. It was worth it.

Yesterday, I had a girls’ night with Chris and we watched a couple of movies.

Harriet the Spy (1996). I never watched this movie. Apparently, this is one of Chris’ favorite movies. It was good. I had fun with it. I mean I had some very intense reactions to certain things – like Harriet’s parents taking away the one thing that she is passionate about, the bullying, how her parents reacted to her retaliation. But other than that, it was a lot of fun. I really liked the piece that she wrote at the end. She learned some lessons. And she apologized to the kids that she hurt with the original burn book.


Take the Lead (2006). I’m not sure why I never watched this movie. It was right up my alley. This would have been one of the movies in rotation for me to watch if ever. Also, I have no idea why I keep on mistaking this movie for Shall We Dance? Yeah, that other Jennifer Lopez movie. Anyway, this was also a really fun movie, obviously for a different reason than Harriet. It’s always nice seeing someone championing teens who were born without many resources. And for educators to go out of their way to give them those resources, creative resources. When it all comes down to it, I really do believe that there are other avenues for success. These things are not exclusive to sciences and mathematics. I sometimes wished that the arts were also given importance when I was in high school. Anyway, this movie was good. We enjoyed it. The Dungeon Kids were good. Dante Basco was Dante Basco.

No huge plans tonight. I just want to finish reading book 3 of this series that I’m enjoying. I just want to get lost in the pages for a little bit more. I just want to not think of anything else but this story right now.

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