07.11.23 – I Hate Summers.

This is nothing new but I’m really not a fan of summers. I know a lot of people do enjoy the sun. I am just not one of them. When it’s sunny, people tend to go outside, maybe go to the beach, go for a walk, you know outside activities. I tend not to do that. I am a homebody so regardless of the weather, I would always choose to be in the apartment. However, I am more inclined to venture out when it’s cloudy and if it’s a bit on the chilly end of the weather. And today is another hot sunny weather. This is what the people where I’m at call nice weather. While all you can hear from me is “uggghhhh”. However, I did sit under the sun with Paco since he loves sunbathing. He was under the sun, while I was under the shade.

I am dreading this coming Thursday. I do not want to leave the apartment. But alas, I have no choice. I need to move my car somewhere else for about 8 hours because the management is doing tree maintenance on the complex. Anyway, I am thinking of just chilling in the library. However, the library does not open until 10 AM. So I would need to figure out where to go before then. We’ll see. I have to figure it out. I would have 2 hours to kill before going to the library.

No big plans today. Maybe read? Who knows. Lately, I’ve just been winging my reading, to be honest. I know, I have no discipline when it comes to this one. Same with studying. I have no discipline on that as well. I mean, these two are blocked in my calendar on a daily basis. I just never follow them. l have been in an unfocused state of mind as of late. And since these two things require focus, I often find myself having issues.

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