07.09.22 – The Booster Kicked My Butt!

So, remember when I said that I felt like the booster was kicking my butt? It did! That Thursday night, I was feeling tired but I started feeling the beginnings of fever once I was going to bed. And guess what happened throughout the night? Yeah, I got a fever. I still went to work Friday morning though. The team was understaffed, and I cannot afford not to be onsite. Regardless, I went to work with a low-grade fever. Trust me, if it were higher than 100F, I would stay home and would not be able to work. But since it was a low-grade fever in the morning, I just went onsite and decided to take it easy. 

For the most part, I was fine all day Friday at work. My head was a bit fuzzy but the fever went away. Granted that my body temp was still hotter than my normal temperature, I still survived without any incidents. When I got home was a different story though. Why? The fever went back. I practically passed out when I got home. 

I woke up this morning fine. Like the past two nights didn’t happen. I went to the store – did some grocery shopping. I went to USPS and picked up my Book of the Month package. I got gas. I went to Costco to get my bottle of Vitamin D and Zertec, and also found myself a new pair of work pants. I went to Autozone and finally got rid of my used car battery sitting in the trunk of my car. I also got windshield wiper fluid. Then the last stop was Mudbay to get a food tray for Phoebe. I was pretty much productive. I did all the errands. 

I got to hangout with my hun today. We watched some episodes of Soul Eater. I forgot how packed each episode was in that anime. I love the artwork, fighting sequences are good too. We also watched a movie! Cloudy with a Side of Meatballs. I did watch this movie before. And honestly, the only things that I remember were the giant meatballs and the “baby”. And I’m glad I watched it, and actually enjoyed it with my love.

We did end date night pretty early. But that is fine. I’m still doing laundry. I guess I could read tonight too. I’ve been slacking off in that department. 

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