07.03.23 – Unproductive? Yes. Well, Sort Of.

I am not feeling too good. Not sick. Just meh. What I have been doing in the last few days? Either consuming YT videos, binging on movies, or just vegging in bed. Yeah. Very unproductive. I am not proud of it. My boyfriend and I were not able to hang out over the weekend. We were both not feeling well.

I did watch a movie on Saturday, A League of Their Own (1992). And my first question to Chris was, how long was the female baseball league active? At the beginning of this movie, there was a scene where older women were complaining about the diminishing gender roles when the women’s league was created. And I still cannot believe that there are still some people complaining about the same thing today. Yeah. Anyway, this movie was a lot of fun. Loved to see some women play sports. And now I want to read some books about this. I really should check my library for something.

I’ve also been stuck watching Daria. I cannot remember how much I’ve rewatched this show. But from time to time I find myself gravitating towards this show. Like how I normally would rewatch Gilmore Girls.

Regardless of how unproductive I felt today, I did work out and you know what, I would consider that as a win. My arms are definitely feeling tired right now. More on the shoulders than he arms themselves. And that is why I know that my shoulder muscles need more work.

Planning on reading today. I have been reading a lot of webtoons. Which is fine. But I have not been able to sit and just read a book. Honestly, I just really need to continue on with Heaven Official’s Blessing. No point in taking a break and trying to pick up another book if my interest lies in Xie Lian and Hua Cheng’s story.

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