06.28.22 – My Mind is Bleh Right Now

So they finally installed the new fire alarm system in my apartment. It took about 1 hour. That meant, I had to put my doggos out in the balcony so that the guys can work in peace. And so the dogs were also not as agitated by the strangers in the house and the loud noise. My 17-year-old Phoebe was a trooper and slept. While my 6-year-old Paco was pretty much mad at me for leaving him outside on the balcony.

Phoebe being adorable.
Paco mad-dogging me the whole time.

Work was fine. I had to miss a couple of meetings because of the noise. But that was fine. I need a break from all the meetings anyway. I do not feel ashamed in admitting that sometimes I do feel oversocialized from all these of these Teams meetings I have to be on.

Right now, I have You’ve Got Mail playing in the background. Why? Because I still can. I do this a lot for movies that I enjoyed. I tend to overplay them while they are available on streaming services. 

I plan on reading as well since I have not read in a few days. Shame on me. I still do not know how booktubers do it. I love reading do not get me wrong, but to read and read and read…I admire them to be honest. I feel like I just want to read books but for the most part, either I find myself too tired or I just do not want to pick up a book. I know it might sound like I am making excuses but to be honest, sometimes I just feel like not doing anything.

I’m glad this week is partly over already. Tomorrow is Wednesday already. I mean I wish it was already Friday but that cannot happen. I think my hun is working double tomorrow. We have no plans today, his original plan was to hang out with a friend and play some video games but I think he just ended up sleeping. He is feeling a bit meh today. I am not sure if we will get to hang out on Thursday but we just tend to do it when we are able to. 

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