06.12.23 – Well, I’m Going to be Sore Tomorrow.

Today was the first time I worked out in months. MONTHS. And yes, I was feeling the burn. My thighs would definitely hate me tomorrow. And also my arms and my back. Actually, my whole body would hate me tomorrow. It did feel good to be back working out though. l have neglected moving around for the longest time. I might as well do it now, I have no excuse not to get back into it.

I also needed to squeeze in taking classes. Since my reorganization project is almost done, I feel like I should be able to squeeze in studying soon. I have three ongoing classes that I need to finish. And a new one that I need to start. Am I excited? Not exactly. But I feel like it is necessary. I’m getting rusty. My brain is slowly turning into goo.

What else did I do today? Well, I cooked some rice, quinoa, and tilapia. Easy things. On top of the fact that it was hot, yeah, no way in hell I would be in the kitchen for more than prep. Anyway, I just need to research some easy vegetable dishes. You know, something that you would just put in an oven or a slow cooker or something. Research research.

I did not really do much today. Just aside from what was stated, I was just relaxing for the most part. I watched Detective Pikachu and The Brothers…again. Because why not? I was able to just have the movies play in the background while I was doing the cooking and all that. Nothing big planned tonight. Just read most likely.

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