06.05.23 – I Have No Title.

As I said in my previous post, I needed a break. Because my body just gave up on me. I don’t think I was sick. But my body said otherwise. My throat has been hurting. I was congested, and still am actually. The only thing that I was happy about was that I was not coughing. I would take that as a win. I still had no idea how I could’ve gotten sick. I’ve been in this apartment since I got laid off. The only time I go outside was to do errands. And even then it was for less than two hours early in the morning because you know, minimum people interaction.

I was able to read a bit the last few days, just not at the momentum that I wanted to. Which was okay. I was not able to do anything today. I was just relaxing in bed since I was not really feeling well. I did spend time laying out in the sun again with Paco. It was nice until Paco decided that he wanted to come back inside the apartment.

My boyfriend and I had not been able to hang out for a bit. Hopefully, I would feel better tomorrow. He has been busy as well with double shifts and all that. So it was also very important for him to get some rest.

I had a bit of reorganization to do tomorrow and on Wednesday. I really need to finish the bathroom and the closet. Then the next would be bookshelves. I think I got all the bins and shelves I need for this. Well, hopefully anyway.

No big plans tonight. I might read a little bit but that’s about it. Just taking it easy.

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