05.26.22 – The Deceiving Overcast Weather

I love an overcast weather. Not that I hate the sun, I just prefer a more cloudy weather is all. And I was glad that today was overcast…It was feeling a bit stuffy inside the office earlier so I decided to step out to get some cool air. And the moment I stepped out to the terrace, bam – not so cool air. Yuck. I was so deceived. I mean granted if you ask people maybe they will say that it was cooler out, but not to me. It was definitely not cold enough. At least not what I was expecting for such an overcast.

Work was busy – with meetings. I was drained. There really is no point of me rehashing my day. I just do not want to think about it anymore. There really is nothing interesting happening there to be honest. Just me being exhausted every single day.

Tonight I will read. I did read some last night but I fell asleep at some point. I woke up with the book on top of Paco, closed, with the bookmark right next to my head. And all I could think of was “Great, I’m going to need to figure out where I stopped.” So far the book is interesting enough. I feel like I already know who the protagonist will end up with if the book goes there.

I couldn’t decide on what to play in the background right now. I pretended to browse through Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and Amazon Prime…But I already knew what I wanted to play. It was between You or You’ve Got Mail. I know I know, why even bother when I always on the same things. I just wanted to know if there was anything that might pique my interest aside from my usual go-to’s. But to no one’s surprise, I picked You, starting on season 1 again.

Sometimes I wish my days are not so repetitive. I feel so bored with my life at times. I don’t know. Of course people will say if you want change, you need to make the change. I know that. I should really start making something out of my life. I think I feel I’ve been stuck in such a rut and I’m getting bored. Not just about my job, but my daily activities.

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