05.15.23 – Another Hot Day. Heat Advisory In Effect.

Ugh. I was melting like no one’s business. It was not fun. I had to do a couple of manual labor tasks today and damn, I struggled. It was not fun moving furniture around the apartment today. But I knew if I didn’t do it today, it will never be done. Why? Because I am the master of procrastination. And besides, the whole will be hot AF. So technically would have no other choice but to get it done today.

Oh! My boyfriend actually woke up from his nap last night and we were able to hang out and watch The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2. I mean, judging his reactions to the whole series, it was safe to assume that he enjoyed the movies. He said he was glad that he finally watched the movies since he put them on the back burner. He was not sure if he wanted to watch them or not. I understand though, this series was so easy to pass on. I mean, this was considered a dystopian young adult series, heavily marketed to young girls, with a female protagonist in this love triangle situation. But honestly, it was way more than that. Sure the romance was there, but this series was political and tackled civil war. When it all comes down to it, it was about the masses taking back their freedom from the few elites who enslaved and used them for their resources. I loved the books and I loved the movies. I think that the adaptation was well-made and stayed true to the source material.

Anyway, since today was hotter compared to the last couple of days, I was a bit restless. I was able to do whatever I planned to do today. However, my anxiety was heightened and I was very irritable. Whatever, at least I did something despite the freaking heat. I had to take a raincheck from hanging out with my love. I was very irritable and restless pretty much the whole day. I did not want to subject him to one snappy tomato. Because I get really bad in this sort of mood combo.

No big plans tonight. I just want to relax and not do anything. Why? My back hurts from moving a freaking set of drawers from one part of the apartment to another part. So yeah, I’m having a party tonight.

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