05.09.22 – Did I Ever Tell You that I Hate Mondays?

I’ve been pretty transparent that I think Mondays suck. And regardless of how I’m feeling, does not matter if I had enough sleep, does not matter if I had fun over the weekend, I will always hate Mondays. The thing that I find funny is the fact that I never really hated the start of work week this much until I started working days. I mean I was working overnight for the longest time but I never had this kind of problem. Weird how that happened. But then again, I should not really be surprised, I always considered myself a nightowl. The only reason why I sleep at night now is because I have to be at work in the morning.

I did have a rough night last night – well a slight rough night. I woke up at midnight with a sharp stomachache. I’m okay though. That sudden awakeness kind of messed up my rhythm. I do not think I have to describe how my morning went. Yes, I dragged my ass out of bed. I do not have a choice. I needed to be at work by 7:30 AM for a meeting. Came in five minutes late, but oh well. They can deal, they should feel lucky I was even there.

Work was busy-ish enough. Actually, pretty busy for a Monday. The fact that I ate my lunch at almost 1:30 PM should be an indication. My team was also understaffed. For a hot minute, I thought I only had one person onsite to run the team. But another person decided to come in – BOO, I really rather have the team be super understaffed than see this person’s face. Especially on the day that I have zero patience. Okay, that made it sound like I just do not like this person. I mean, you’re not wrong but I just do not like the way this person works and the work ethic, uggghhh. Yeah. Enough said.

I got home, and pretty much just did the regular things I do when I get home. Chores. After that, I just sat in front of the computer and decided to start making my spreads for my bullet journal. But then quickly realized that I’m kind of done with manual bullet journaling. So I am stuck. I do not want to bring my chromebook to work everyday to access the Notion website, since I am not a fan of the mobile app. But I also cannot stand setting up a page for a manual bullet journal. Yeah. I guess I can try to use my tablet and see if I can use the Notion app better on a bigger screen compared to using my phone. I guess all I can do is try.

I also really need to workout. I need to squeeze it when I get home. I did the early morning workouts before and that schedule did not really work for me. I found that my body prefers the afternoon workouts. Again, I am not a morning person, and consider myself a night owl. Working out just kind of gotten shifted to the side when I went back to school since my classes were scheduled after work. But I have no excuse now. I just need to start. I plan on losing 60 lbs. Pretty hefty and with my age, I would need to work harder to get there.

Hopefully I get to hangout with my hun tomorrow. Probably a good time to think what to watch since for some reason we do not have any show lined up. Well, we do. But we do not have any preference of what to watch lately. We’ll see.

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